Oh well I learned the hard way and it's not over yet my friend. I'm from your way I guess I'm now south of philly and you know as well as I do that certain counties here are DUI happy LOL.]
You ain't lying about them being DUI happy!! I lived within 15mins - 1 hour of the airport most of my life until just a few months ago. I don't drink much and I've never been slapped with the DUI or DWUI labels, but I've sweated through many a checkpoint anyway just because the cops enjoy grilling people way too much! There's nothing fun about being involved with S.E. Penna cops. I've been pulled over twice (two separate incidents in different counties near the city) while circling a block looking for a parking space at night and each cop pulled me over saying that I almost hit them - AND THEN (when they didn't find anything) EACH ONE left saying "Next time I'll give you a ticket." :huh: Yeah - I trust THEM!
Osmotic properties? Ionic transference through a semi-permeable membrane? WHAT THE HECK MAN! They profess and present us to all be stupid and you're gonna blow EVERYONE'S COVER!!
