Hello and OMG

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What's up DMB ? Sounds like your having fun.
Also it sounds like your around No. Cal. Somewhere, as I am.
Dude I'm going to put it to you straight. You need to shit can those plants. In no way do you want to be smoking those plants.
First off in flower once you get cattapillers or spider mites you are screwed. I don't care what anyone says or what you do to think you got rid of them, you didn't. They get in your buds and there is NO WAY you can get them all. NO MATTER what you spray on your plants. Plus in flower you shouldn't be spraying anything on your plants.
Plus even if you do think you saved the plants your still going to have dead bugs, bug poop and bug eggs inside the buds.
Do you want to be smoking that ?
Dude it's time to suck it up and shit can those plants and start over next year.
I know it's hard.
About 5 years ago I thought I would try main lining. I did 30 plants. I spent 9 months with alot of labor on these plants.
But 6 weeks into flower I had cola's the size of my forearm.
But at 5 weeks in flower I let this other grower in my flower room, cause he had never seen main lining before.
Well at 7 weeks into flower I saw a little web. I knew right then I was screwed, once you see a web it's to late to save them especially in flower.
Sure as shit every plant was infested. I had to shit can all those plants, cause I'm not going to smoke bugs, bug poop and eggs or let anybody else smoke it.
A few days later I found out that grower I had let see my plants had a major infestation.
So what had happened is this idiot had brought them into my flower room. Knowing damn well that he had been fighting them for weeks.
And this stupid idiot still harvested his crop and sold it.
Cause he brought me over a oz to brag and try. Well I pulled out my magnifying glass and all the buds were full of spider mites. I showed him and he didn't care he still sold the shit.
Since then he has been having a hard time trying to sell his shit, cause I told everyone what a idiot this guy is. FUCK HIM.
That was the last time I grew in soil, do to all the labor involved.
Like you stated about all the watering and training involved.
It's not cost efficient at all.
For the last 6 years I've been growing with LPA ( low pressure aeroponics) in the SOG. Easy Peasy.
Anyway I just thought I would put in my 2 cents and experience on the subject.
Good luck bro.

Ps. Don't be a BUG SMOKER. LMFAO............
You can still do an alcohol extraction and use the oil. I wouldn't waste the plant. Oil has many uses in butter, tinctures,salves and such.
As for smoking it,,i would rather not myself. Also don't want to hear the snap crackle and pop of smoking bugs. But i guarantee you have smoked weed with bugs in it before,,especially at our age when a lot of weed we use to get when we were younger was Gorilla grows and Mexican brick weed.
Shit I've smoked weed with alot worse things in it than bugs.
But that's when I was young and didn't give a shit.
Now after smoking cigs and weed and everything else I could get my hands on for 50 years.
I do give a shit.
But like I stated there is no way I could introduce that shit on to anybody else. No way. That's not cool.
Totally agree. Dont smoke the shit,, but you can use it for extraction.

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