Biggest plant of the year contest

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benny, I would have to get ladder out to even get close to her top. I got a clone of the Flo next to her that I have LST'd, she is out of hand, I just tied some of her to the back fence bending her for production. Hope it works out.
Med, last blueberry plant I saw was nowhere near the height of this one. She looked more like my northernlights, short and stalky.
tc, is this blueberry related to last year's or is it a different breeder? You are sure it's a girl? I only ask cuz it grows like a boy. Crossing my fingers as I type.
edit: Nevermind, I just looked at your gj and it clearly shows nice girl parts. My bad. Maybe she just gets more shade than she wants and is stretching? When you finally chop her, yell " Timber"
Benny, I dont know about these seeds. I got them at a despensary over in Arcata. "They" said, the seeds were hand delivered to the owner by the famous DJ Short.

Of the seed plants, I have the three on the back row. Started last spring indoor. I took clones from them, and of those clones I have four left. Three are the BB, and one Flo. Comparing the plants, the only real difference you see is the Flo has much larger fan leaves. The BB clones are growing fast just like the mothers. They will not get near as big, as soon they will begin to flower.

Here is my new Height Report,
7' 7"
:D :hubba:
boy is this lil gal stankin up the while room. smell like cat pee and pine trees LOL wit a hint of "oh shart i just hit a skunk" smell of freshly hit skunk in the road.. :D
i cant wait to fill my lungs wit her pungeant smoke guys. this lil froggie has turned into quite the lil keeper imo.
been contemplating on puttin her in a 2.8 quart pot tho as she bottom fed and sucks up like a good cup-2cups water every 2 days or ebven every day depends on how dry an hot it gets. and one day her lower fans will be green, next yellow, and i feed her then next they green then next water and they yellow and so on. been liek this couple weeks now LOL.
wat you guys think? should i repot her into larger pot? i already prepared a 2.8 qt pot for her if need be. i just filled a pot wit media half way and put pot similar to the frogs pot into the 2.8 qt one and packed dirt round it. i figure that'll be least stressful way, makin a slot same size it to go into. :hubba: lol
wat ya think i'd gain if at all anything with her if i sucessfully transplanted her stress free. i mean am i gonna get puny buds and airy ones if i keep her pot bound even if im feeding her from bottom daily?
but theres always risk when repotting durrin flowering... dilema dilema :confused2:
Zip, cut the bottom out of the container, and place it in a bigger soil filled container, leaving the other pot in place with the frog. No change, no transplant shock, just good fresh soil under the frog container. The roots are growing out of the frog into the soil around the frog right?
yup im following along TC. got ya PM. thanks. but even if i know i can slide her out the pot and keep her whole root ball completely intact, would that still be more stress vs doin like you said wit cuttin the bottom out.?
personally myself , im kinda nervous bout cuttin the bottom out in fear i'll knick sum rots :confused2:
also would the side roots of current pot find they way down to the bottom of the new one tho too ya think?
I vote for a careful transplant without the container. Bigger buds on a nice plant is always good.
well im a do just that. im a take her out her existin pot an put in a new one. i trust my self in transplanting actually, only does SHE trust me :hubba: LOL
any idea wat size pot ya all think i should go wit. also keepin in mind that space is an issue. i got 2 or 2.8 quart ones :confused2: . that really aint much bigger than the one she in. but wat size would actually make it worth the transplant anyway. otherwise im just gona go wit the 2-2.8 quart one..
thanks all. i am so lookin forward to seein that one solid chunk/mass of buds pokin out everywhere on her like a crazy green mohawk LOL
The bigger one might be better, but she is pretty far into bloom mode and will love whatever new real estate you provide.
thanks benny.. i got a bunch of mixed match sized pots. im a go thru em all later an see wat i can do for her..
i remember ya sayin sumthin bout pix bein nice of the bonzai girls i got outdoors... well i got pix up on my bonsai journal in signature if ya still want see them LOL.
So where's the new pic's for the up-dates on tha contest ! didnt have time to snap some myself. But easy foot growth and some pre-flower showing now...fillling out anothe 2' easy as well.Indy getting fat!!
workers next door trip me out early am ...bad start to the day.
well frog's in a bigger pot now. she been in there goin on 3 days now an she doin just perfect . no more yellowin and greenin back up ofg the fan leaves every othher day too :hubba:
i had no trouble transp at all. her root ball was solid practicaly so didnt worry bout any fallin off or breakin durrin etc ..
i wish i coulda watch them roots after they hit the bigger pot. lol i bet it was like a million worms racin all over the place :hubba:
but anyway if ya look close at i think pic two you can see em better, but she's loaded wit seeds guys :hitchair: :hairpull: :rant: :rant: :rant: :angrywife:
i spent over a whole hour wit her underr bright lights and a good magnifying glass an i could not for the life of me find any nanners or balls anywhere and the buds were still thin an whispy enough so i doubt i missed any tucked in anywhere. :confused2: only thing i can think of is she was sittin next to one the girls that thru a couple balls where one or two opened on it.
at least im almost sure they seeds. there random callyxes that are swollen nice an round an when i squeeze em wit fingers or tweezers they seem atiff/hard liek there erly seeds for sure in em.
Zip: looks like youre righty on the money' bout seeds...oh well they look nice an tasty :eek:)~
oh im still gonna smoke the buds LOL. its not liek i aint ever smoked bud wit seeds in it before.
i do pik em out first tho LOL
she sure is purdee TC.
i still cant get over how deep of purple ya stems are tho. thats the first time i've ever seen stems that purple before. even in pix. :hubba:

too bad ya not a MN vikins fan. it'd go perfect wit ya :rofl:
purple an blue are my two fav colors actually. thats why im so in awe over ya purple lady there .
Zip, looking good on the frog transplant!

Those stems are striped with green, they are trippin to look at. :cool: Purple and green have been my fave colors since I was a kid.

Those purple ladies are Blueberry and Flo. Both heavy with the "color" factor. I didnt know the Flo was gonna be purple till I started reading up on the strain. I hope it tastes different than last years purple. My fave purple plant is not in the contest, she is filling out nicely and looks to have more branches to make buds.:hubba:
Looking good TC! My Mango has purple stems like that. The Mean Green has maroon stems. You think she has another 6" to go to make 8 feet?
420benny said:
Looking good TC! My Mango has purple stems like that. The Mean Green has maroon stems. You think she has another 6" to go to make 8 feet?

You asking bout your plant or mine benny? I dont know if mine will make eight feet. I mean dang, she is in soil at least two feet deep is UP there, puts her real close to ten feet, lol. She is getting that stretch thing, that heavy alternating node look. She drinks so freaking much, they all do on that back row. I just dont know if she will put on those inches to hit eight feet. I know there are eight foot plants out there....:D. I am jazzed she is so tall already. I think each day I am gonna see an eight footer entered here.;)

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