Biggest plant of the year contest

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4u2sm0ke said:
:ciao: heres my Purplebud update you use piccassa? what issues are you haveing with pics?

Hey 4U: NICE job brah ! as far as picassa ? IDK ?? I'm trying to use "windows program" for re-sizing but it takes sooo much time.
I went back to using my cell camera as it shoots in 320x240 pixs...
the "Jazz" hdv188 is a multi purpose camera / mp3 / video/ player and it SUCKS! it shoots in 2500x1900 pixs... and No it doesnt have the ability to re-size with-in its "frame-work".

4u2sm0ke said:
very nice are you makeing it look like that? My arms are all flopped out..That plant of yours looks like its getting fatter not taller..this may be a good thing..maybe she wont stretch much in flower..or..she will expload..I am for sure goona watch this one..Nice Job Girl:aok:

My thoughts exactly..NICE JOB !:hubba:

Rockster said:
There ya go Newbud,I accidentally double posted so have put this pic in to answer your question re plant height.

My mate in the pic is 6' 2" so it's around 8' atm.

well, thats it for the indy come on Sativa baby...
Great looking pics btw...
I'd love to have my pic taken against my sativa as i'm 6'4".. lol
Howdy gang! Well, I am back in the game for fattest plant. I fed all my girls this morning and my NL Skunk was looking fine tonight. She is exactly 8 feet across and 6 feet tall. This is the same plant that seemed stunted and I was going to put a big cardboard box over her at night to force flowering. No way will it fit her now. She isn't starting to bud yet, so I have no idea how big she will get. She is supposed to be a big yielder. I am going to take some pics this week and I will post one of her here.
Wow check them out Reading and looking over every bodies plants all looking kick butt good ...Way to Go and Grow Team MP ...Looking good everybody I'm telling you ....Wolf Whistles all around...

Just Me
Here's my NL Skunk. She is touching the wall on the right and is 1 foot away from the left wall, which is 9 feet from the other side=8 foot wing span. Check my gj for other pics from today.

Wicked man, wicked! I have a few giant plants but have just decided that I am going to grow nothing but name brand weed next time. I mean lets face it, a big plant is cool, a huge plant is sweet, but a huge sweet plant of killer dankasourus is the shiznit! My 6 foot tall Thai super skunk and the 5 foot Danky Doodle are way more interesting than my gigantor bag seed plants. I just am gaga over the thought of having a couple pounds of true killa. Did I mention my 10 foot Violator Kush tree?:D
The possibilities makes your head spin. I too made the choice to invest my time and cash on good genetics. I don't regret it a bit. Why settle for a Chevy, when a Rolls is possible?
Those are sweet Sherwood! Can I ask what your temps are like? The background looks like it should be 100 out, but your girls are lovin' life. Don't measure them, just make us sweat, lol.
just think..... soon all these bahemoth's will be flowering and have massive amounts of buds on em all. i cant wait to see all them in like even 2 more months from now. :hubba:
cant wait to see my dang frog in a month fro now either. lol
Stay tuned. Others have equally large bbws. My gut feeling is that there are 2 plants we haven't even heard about yet. The growers are just waiting on the sidelines. Benny has esp
Hey 420Benny we never get to 100 here, well almost never. We get wind all the time so when it is in the 90's a strong wind will blow and the monsoons come in and cloud up and make it cooler. However I live in the doughnut hole, it rains all around me and I get next to nothing.:confused2: No biggie, we had the water tested here, it's a well, and the water has low metals and is free of arsnic and other bad stuff. The plants do spring to new heights after rains though, it's amazing. The fences sorounding the plants in the pics is 4 feet tall and the corner plant is around 5 feet tall on over 100 tops, that's why my yield is going to be extreme.:D
LOL i like the last pic. kinda looks like a bird wit its wings all spread out

its definately gonna be neat watchin her buds thicken up soon :hubba:
shes startin to stretch a wee bit i noticed again last nite but never measured but in the pic ya see the spots where i put bandage tape.. theres one more for total 5 tied spots and bends
i just started puttin in random bends for hek of it an realised if i went at middle of space between each node tied that all the buds are free of the shade of the fans and almost stair like as it gets closer to the top.
Auto Hindu Kush.

Beat it if you can.

Harvesting it today so I thought I would show you the mark to aim for :p

I think I must have got a packet of seeds with ultra small pheno bred into them :rofl:


any of you guys/galls grow sativas in pots at all. wat im curious is if i may end up runnin into probs later on wit pot size.
the pic is of her in her infancy and still in same pot. i put her in 12/12 at bout 1week from seed.(hence the crazy stretch, huh? lol)
or ya'll think her root stretchin days are pretty much numbered now and she be fine inthe pot she in.?
i trust that i can successfully transplant her if need be and feel confident enough that i wont ruin her. but why do it if no need to...?
i wanna see this frog thru to the end an dont wanna lose her :hubba:

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