I want a plant like that....:hairpull:
I want a full huge plant, just one, is it me or is it the length of hours of sunshine? is it me or is it the soil I use? is it me or ??? I dont mean to complain, I put my plants in before the last average frost, I start them early indoors, I use decent nutes (maybe this is the problem, I only nute once a week). I Want a big Plant like the one above......:hubba:
I am seriously planning a retaining wall, so I can grow in soil that is not in pots, let the roots get bigger, but then comes a picture that says I should be able to get a plant that big......
You all think it is my short growing season? Not enought vedgin time?:headbang: Or ...are they too crowded in my cage? To many plants? dang dang dang .....
That is some Dream Plant up there....:yay:
and I am envious as heck of you too benny, and 4u!:aok:
okay, I have size issues, Im out now.....:shocked:
I have a good entry, for tallest.....get real, I tell myself, winning isnt everything....