Bella Ciao in Coco w/ 600w

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Just a small update... built a 'cabinet' for some mother plants/clones/early veg last night. Essentially I constructed a frame out of 2x2's and then stapled panda film to it. There's a PC fan in the upper right corner exhausting air.... temps stay the same as the flower room. My 125w CFL setup provides the light. Cheap and easy solution for learning to clone and keeping some MILFs!

Here are some pics of the 3 ladies, they're so bushy I can't wait to flip the switch this Sunday when I get back from out of town. That will be 6 weeks of veg unless someone feels that 7 would be better :headbang2: By all means make a case if you have one... haha... I realize I have no concept of how they're going to grow in size once I put them into flower so opinions are welcome for how long to continue in veg for maximum yield.

I did notice when I was moving them around that the center runoff tray which I use to direct flow into the bins below had a little bit of what looked like algae in it... part of me wonders if thats why that plant in particular has been showing the most predominant nute issues???? Anyways, I cut some holes where it was pooling and disinfected it so it shouldn't continue but made me wonder regardless....

I'm off to have a bowl and then to bed.... g'night all.




The switch was flipped today after 43 days of vegging.... and they're so ready! I also did some minor pruning at ground level so that no vegetation is touching the coco. When I checked last night, I had a dead leaf laying on the coco in one of the plants and a small amount of mold growing on it. :( The humidity in the room is about 60-70% right now and with those ladies being as bushy as they are it is an ideal environment. So.... I made sure there is no more mold (that I can see at least), added some ventilation below the canopy, and am going to buy a dehumidifier for the room to bring it down some. Hopefully there will be no more issues...

I'm so anxious to see what these girls will do over the next several weeks!!! Anybody know anything about Bella Ciao? The only info I can find is on the seed site which is great but I'd love to hear from some fellow growers who have tried it!

This strain was specifically developed for beginners.
This cross, of Northern Lights origins, shows a very fast and excessively generous blooming.

With its regular foliage, its medium size and its large flowers, this plant is magnificent and rewarding.

Very easy to grow, not very demanding, adapted to all kinds of grow styles, it must yet be taken seriously, as it could surprise more than a few experienced growers.

Mostly Indica / Indoor 50-55 days / Outdoor Beg October / Height 100-120 cm


Thanks bombbudpuffa... you are too kind! I discovered today that I have rooted clones.... 5 of 6 cuttings were showing roots so I planted them in 2-gal containers. Hopefully the other one will show in the next day or so. I gave them a 1/4 strength veg feed to help them settle into their new homes and give 'em a good meal under their skirts....

I'm now feeding my girls in 12/12 a 75% strength solution 3 times per day... and so far, so good. Nothing much else to report so back to my bowl....





Time for a small update... its been one week of 12/12 for the 3 main ladies thus far and about 5 Days for my clones, all of which have rooted and been transplanted into 2-gal containers of straight coco (which I'm stoked about considering its my first try!). I'm going to move them in w/ the flowering ladies in a couple of weeks if I can figure out how to fit them in! haha... Here's a few pics of the ladies for those who care to see.

On a cooler/more serious note, I was visiting my mother this weekend and she finally gave me my father's 'stash bag' of a couple small pipes, and his little container for holding his bud. He died 6 years ago of liver cancer and none of us knew he smoked until she found his pipe going through his belongings. My father and I usually butted heads so it was a tense relationship but I often wonder how it would have been to smoke a bowl w/ the man and hang out THEN... would we have bonded through our common interest? I'll never really know but I think its kind of cool to be able to toke up in his honor w/ one of his own pieces.

I'll be back when there's something more to report... there's plenty of seats folks, snag a bean bag, pull up a chair, have a smoke...

~SSB :bong2:



wonderful. what's the trick to getting your plants so bushy?

edit: I just went back and read your whole thread, seems like you're just taking good care of them.
Absolutely fantastic!!!!!! I am starting my first coco grow, planted 4 northern lights and 4 aurora indica lastnight. Keep on keeping on!!
orstalk said:
wonderful. what's the trick to getting your plants so bushy?

edit: I just went back and read your whole thread, seems like you're just taking good care of them.

Hey orstalk! Thanks for stopping in and no worries, at least you took it upon yourself to check out the details... :)

godspeedsuckah said:
Absolutely fantastic!!!!!! I am starting my first coco grow, planted 4 northern lights and 4 aurora indica lastnight. Keep on keeping on!!

Thanks!!! :D Do you have a grow journal going for that grow? I'd like to check it out!

This evening I decided to do a bit of pruning since they are so bushy and jungle-like... fan leaves, and plenty of them were removed to allow more light further into the canopy and improve air flow. I think they'll be better off because of it. Check it out....



Awesome grow man I love the MJ Porn keep it coming! Very cool you got to smoke out using your old mans peace pipe. My old man was a toker back in the day one day I will smoke out with him I bet. Best of luck dude keep it green.
:ciao: senor...those are looking very nice...Im glad you figured a way to catch your run off...those are some awefully nice wood floors to be ruining with water...I must say you keep a clean room.:aok: .and Nice job on's a great way to keep plant low..But ..IMO..does not in anyway increase yield..I did some side by sides and found that they came out about the same weight...LST had smaller budds bud more..and the ones grown out...large cola..anyway it is fun and great way to maintain canopy. I did an LST last year on a Ladie, when I was finished she was wrapped all the way down the outside of 5 gallon container and down to the bottom of the ouside.:eek: .it was fun...but that was about it...You have done a great job on your canopy..Also would like to say congrats on the clones for rooting.:clap: .how many days to get roots? That is the frustrating part of the whole proccess...IMO. Thanks for shareing with us..and I pulled up my milk crate a while back..come and visit when I can and smoke a bowl and look at your beautiful Ladies..:hubba:

KEEP M GREEN:D take care and be safe
Killertea08: Thank you so much! :) Yah my Dad was always a drinker so I never even imagined him toking up! His main pipe is a small brass one and then he also had a stealthy, short lil' toker that didn't look like it had been used yet... almost like he left it there just for me. I haven't smoked out of his small brass one yet but am loving the shorty....

4u2sm0ke: I appreciate all of the compliments... thank you for noticing! I mainly enjoy the LST for the interaction w/ the plants... its just fun to bend them to my will, what can I say?! Ha ha... I had already started tying them down before they were sexed so I'm extra glad I did after only ending up w/ 3 females. They needed to be as big as possible in my mind before I went to flower. Once I finish these out I will be utilizing clones from my soon-to-be-chosen Mother Ciao (heh!) and going for a SOG style grow w/ 12 plants. It did feel good to have all 6 clones root with it being my first time and all. I was especially pleased since I know I broke at least one stem while shoving it into the peat pot.... that's probably the one that took 13 days to root instead of 10 like the others. Here's to big bud's in the very near future!

this is one of the better grows going on right now on watching,reading and waiting for more updates ;) looking really good :)
Great Thread!!~~~Your Plant's Have Blown Up!!,,Great Job On The Clones,You Hit Then Dead On!!Best Of Luck On Your Budding Plant's & The Rest Of Your Grow!!!:hubba: :D
Thanks HATCH and Dankerz! Happy there are folks here to keep me company now :)

So far, my clones appear to be doing quite well. I'm definitely noticing the difference based on which plant they originated from (wish I would have marked 'em). Two of them are all 'crinkly' looking like potato chips and have a bit of nute burn. The second set look healthy but are a tad bit smaller than the final pair, one of which will be my new momma. I guess this is my first lesson in 'phenos'.... fun stuff :) I'm so anxious to see some buds forming on my flowering ladies I can't hardly sit still... at least now w/ the lights on 12/12 I'm forced to leave 'em alone for PART of the day... haha. I'm finding I have to go in every night or so and pick out dying leaves below the canopy who aren't getting enough light.... its to be expected. I guess this would be one disadvantage of having them so bushy and dense. Anyways, smoke on brothers and sisters! haha






clones looking good ;) the other bushes are super lush u should have tons of nuggs coming off them ******* soon enough. keep us updated
did ya use jiffy 7 pellets for these clones?

I'll be dammed..
Thanks everyone! :D :cool: Nothing major to report so I'm just posting more pics... I do have a few ants investigating the room for the winter so I've put out more ant killer... those *******s have fought me for every square inch of this home pretty much! Anyways, some small buddage ensues....







Hey everybody! Hope all of you had a wonderful weekend. Things are progressing in the 'Zen Den' (my new name for the room) and I have a few things to report for those listening... I've whittled down my clones to 3 of the strongest plants. I'm pretty sure I've picked out my future mom (far left) but am keeping the others as backup. I figure I'll take clones in a couple more weeks and go for a 12 plant run after this one.

I've been fiddling w/ the white balance on my camera so hopefully the nasty yellow tinge will be less present in my photos from now on... Still I took some nice shots of some up and comers that I think are looking pretty sweet. I just hope these fatten up the way I'm envisioning in my head...haha.

Apparently, the last day and a half the plants have been all but fasting.... I went to measure the reservoir tonight and it was only down about a half gallon which was quite odd.... When it came time for the 8pm feed the pump kicked on making all kinds of racket like it was choking to death. Turns out, it didn't like being mounted to the side of the reservoir and running vertically as well as I thought... I put it back on the bottom and voila! All is well.... they sure were thirsty though! :p

Anyways, thanks for stopping by and for all of the positive vibes... Big buds! Big buds! haha







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