hay man,
did you hang it to dry on a line in the dark?
i dry my weed by
cutting the plant
manicure it wet,
hang in a closit upside down on a string in full darkness for about 9-10 days,make sure the buds hinging are not touching off each other,
temp in closit 18c
rh in closit about 30% up to 40% is ok but i wouldnt want to go higher then that,
and leave it in there untill the weed has lost most of its chlorophil, and is darker and dryer, it should feel fairly dry but not brake up when you squeeze it,
then into paper bags for about 3-10 days,check your buds every day for mould or excess moisture.
then place into jars and open them twice a day for a few mins,
after two + months your weed will be properly dryed and cured and will taste and smoke much better,
you can put aside some weed and quick dry it,and leave the rest of it drying untill its finished.