I learned this from a guy on another site and though he gave exact amounts I just used the ingredients listed. You'll need-
1.2 tblspns White Rice
2.Half a cup of clean, no chlorine water
Step 1

ut 1 tablespoon of rice into the half a cup of water. Shake it around a lil until the mixture turns cloudy. Pour the cloudy water into another cup and discard the rice. Repeat step 1 with the other spoonful of rice

Step 2:Let the water and rice dust mix sit in a room with constant temps where it won't be disturbed until you notice a film on top of the liquid. This is bacteria. This may take 2 or 3 days ime.
Step 3:This is the most important step and makes the L Bacillus dominant in the cultur. Fill the cup(I used an 8 ounce cup)with the rice water to the top with milk. Not to the rim but fill up the cup. Let this sit until the milk curds. This may take 2 or 3 days ime. Like I said before, the curds are good for your pets digestive system and the cats and dogs that are always in my yard love the stuff

but it's no good for the plants so either throw away or put it on your compost pile. The yellow....ummmm...puss colored liquid is a L Bacillus culture. Just dilute by 20 times and give your ladies a drink
