They also use cannabis in vaginal sex lube that women insert
so like Sam says cannabis could be made from an oil infusion then made into a suppository could be effective in pain relief.
What if he made just an oil and cannabis infusion and applied that oil up inside the vagina with some sort of applicator (ie: finger or sterile tool) soft of course.
And No @Bubba I was serious about the suppositories'
I have made many things myself, just that Sam showed me how to do many things.
https://wayofleaf.com/cannabis/ailments/cannabis-and-cbd-for-a-healthy-vaginaWhat are cannabis suppositories?
so like Sam says cannabis could be made from an oil infusion then made into a suppository could be effective in pain relief.
What if he made just an oil and cannabis infusion and applied that oil up inside the vagina with some sort of applicator (ie: finger or sterile tool) soft of course.
And No @Bubba I was serious about the suppositories'
I have made many things myself, just that Sam showed me how to do many things.
https://wayofleaf.com/cannabis/ailments/cannabis-and-cbd-for-a-healthy-vaginaWhat are cannabis suppositories?