Auto White Russian Timex GJ ~ OHC style

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OH, I'm so impressed OHC Babe! Your plants are MUCH bigger than mine. I think transplanting is in order with mine today. They are still in one gallon containers, and I have 3 tall 2-gallon containers ready for them. You give me hope! Keep up the good work. For me, no more hermies this morning. I think we have the problem contained now.

Big clapping and cheers for your auto girls!!!!!
G'morning Ladies and Gentlemen.
I'm scratching my head processing how I am going to hide my life from my boss. I work from my home office and the tent's in the office closet and the T5 is in an attached small bathroom.... boss is coming "sometime" next week to go over some procedure changes and to light a fire under my azzzzz. :huh:
I thought if I ignored him he would go away.

I got my first electric bill with the 600w going. WOW. $115 jump from last month. But it did get cold here and compared to last Dec use... it was an increase of right over 650 kw hrs. Fortunately the electric co chose this month to refund a $300 deposit I put down a few years ago so I ended up with a $45 credit....

Chef - I hope you are taking it easy today. Thanks for dropping by. :D
BBFan: shhhhh don't tell her what I said. She's a total drama queen. :rolleyes:
225: I know I'm jumping ahead of myself but I'm already planning their execution and we still have weeks to go. :hubba: The tentative plan is to scatter out the dates and see what sort of variety I can get with these three. A nice fun Sat buzz would be cool but I like a zombie buzz at the end of the day, it keeps me off the streets at night... :p

MojaveMama: Hey Lady :ciao: I do hope things are getting back to "normal" around your parts. Yes, get those autos into a bigger pot asap. Have they started their stretch? Are they flowering yet? Pics PLEASE.

More later friends...
Doing different harvest dates sounds like a great idea! See which one you like the best.
Sounds like you got it going on OHC! Don't sweat those lower leaves on the WW, they will never turn green again, as long as the new growth is looking good that is all that matters. Like DOS says when she's dried and cured in her jars know one will ever realize she had some pale leaves.

As far as the boss goes, do you have another spot you can move them to when he/she shows up? Will it be lights out time when he/she shows up? If so shut the fan down and burn some incense or open a jar of Ona gel to get rid of any stank. I would move things to a better spot for when he/she shows up though if it's possable. Good Luck...and way to overcome your WW problems...In a few weeks you'll be smiling, glad that you didn't give into the urge to chuck her into the freezing rain.
"got it going on" ??????
I think I just don't have it in me to stress over it all lately. But thanks for the vote of confidence....
I keep things pretty stealth here with the tent inside the closet.... I can hide the T5 behind the shower curtain but will kill all lights and fans while he's here.
Yes sweetheart you heard me right!...laugh if you want...but I think you got it going on! Especially now that your not letting it stress you! That just proves to me that your one step further ahead than you were 2 weeks ago. Stressing about it doesn't fix it. I usually find things so much easier when I don't stress out over my mistakes...tell myself "that was stupid" learn my lesson and move on to the next stupid thing I'm about to You've at least got the excuse that your new to this to justify your mistakes...all I can do when I screw up is tell myself, you know better dumb a$$...still doesn't make me make any less mistakes.

I was just trying to give ya a dang I have to explain why??? had a problem, you figured it out, did what you could to fix it, and moved on....that is the work of a pro...

so laugh at me if you want...but I'm proud of the way you handled time you handle yourself though at least get a web cam so we can all enjoy night. (L_F is baked and tired)
The last few weeks have been hard. I had to have my old dog put down yesterday. We stayed up all night and when I woke the tears finally came. He will be cremated tomorrow. I'll plant a Remember Me rose bush near the fence where he liked to visit with the neighbors dogs. His name was Chester. I would like to scatter his ashes into the soil as I plant the bush. I need to know if this would be toxic to the rose bush if anyone here knows...


WOW, im so very sorry OHC!!
Losing a pet is devastating. Animals are such pure beings. You don't need to wonder what they are really like under their mask. There is no mask. They are who they are.
He has a beautiful aura about him! I'm glad you two were together for as long as you were. He was lucky to have someone to care about him as much as you obviously do.
Again, I'm so very sorry to hear this. Keep your chin up!
:( So very sorry to hear about your loss! You get so close to pets, it truly is devastating when you lose one. He's adorable!

And I don't think it would be toxic, I think you will be OK with the ashes. Maybe someone can come in here and give you a more "professional" answer.

RIP Chester
very sorry for your loss OHC. i have lost pets in the past and actually right now i got a 16 year old cat that is getting sick but thats my problem.i personally go with the burying route. i am no expert in the creamation area but i do know anything going into that oven is coming out pretty much safe. i found a quick thing to add to it...
Q. Do ashes pose a health or environmental hazard?

A. No, and neither does almost anything that's been exposed to an oven heated to nearly 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. What remains after a cremation are inert fragments of bone - mostly calcium. Crematories then pulverize the fragments into smaller pieces. Depending on the crematory, what you'll get back will resemble anything from gray aquarium gravel to something like powdery concrete dust.

i dont know if it helps but i would think it would be safe.

once again, i am sorry for your loss.
Thanks for the fast reply friends. Very helpful. I PMed Rosebud and she assures me she's done the same and all is good with the plan. My big concern was that I don't want to kill the bush out of ignorance. I know that wood ash will lower ph but couldn't find anything about animal ash. thanks.
oh, OHC! i can't tell you how sorry i am. i know my pets are my 'kids', each one has it's own personality. my heart breaks for your loss.
The rose is a beautiful tribute to your good friend Chester. It is a very pretty rose and a beautiful dog. He looks like he was a happy boy in life with a twinkle in his eye. Thank you for sharing his picture.
You will never forget him. The rose will do great sharing the earth with Chester.
Awww crap! I'm really sorry OHC!!! that sucks! You know we have all been there at one time or another, so we can relate, but your the one feeling the pain...I wish I could help you in some way! Hang in there'll get through it! I love my dogs more than people...they are the only ones I totaly confide in...time will heal the pain, but nothing can fix what your feeling now. I'm truely sorry and my thoughts and prayers are with you!
You make a good point LF. Most of us have been through this. The last time this happened I went without a dog for seven years. This time, I was much more prepared to be his advocate. I don't have the guilt I carried the last time. We'll be ok. Thanks for the kindness everyone.
Tomorrow we get back to growing.
Autos: Day 38
WW: Day 42

I wonder - does this WW look like she is behind where she should be at six weeks? The breeder says 8-9 weeks but many GJs here give the impression it could be 11+ weeks?

The autos have really stretched - heights range from 15" - 17" - 20"



046.JPG I don't think they look behind at all. Mine just started the 6th week a few days ago, friday, and are said to be an 8 week finish. Your buds are much bigger, and look alot more dense than what I'm dealing with at the moment. Of course mine are sativa's so they are not going to put out those types of buds. I'd say your right on schedule, and they are looking really good, considering what they have been through. How's the trich production? I'm not seeing any sugar on the could be from the camera, or my monitor though. Are there trichs on the small leaves close to the buds? Not that you can really do much about it if there isn't...I was just curious.

They look good IMO...and are only going to develope more in the next couple or few weeks ...I've always found the last 2 weeks to be when they really beaf up and pack on the weight. Give yourself a pat on the back...your doing a dang fine job! Oh yeah....get that dang scope! Your running out of time! I don't like the ones that Radio Shack has although I know alot of folks use them. IMO the 60x scope is just too much of a close up, I like my 30x jewelers loupe, or if I want to get a little closer up I have a 45x scope with 2 led lights. The 60x is just too much for me, I don't need to see the cellular structure of the Ebay has jewelers loupes for a few bucks...of all different magnifications...I don't know what will work best for your eye situation...but your gonna need something quick!

I just took another look at the closeup, and you got trichs...yyeeaaay.
Hey 225 - thanks man! Now be honest - don't those two tall autos look EXACTLY like those singing Christmas trees ???:eek: :D

Thanks for the feedback LF.... I am so over the WW. I can't wait to see her hanging in the closet... will take your advice on the eBay jewelers loop. I have been noticing trichs on the leaves for weeks but I did a foliar feed of CalMg at least a week ago and I wonder if they don't wash off? I won't be doing it again.... was having a mothering moment. It passed.
OldHippieChick said:
I have been noticing trichs on the leaves for weeks but I did a foliar feed of CalMg at least a week ago and I wonder if they don't wash off? I won't be doing it again.... was having a mothering moment. It passed.

No worries there OHC. They won't wash off.

Beautiful work!

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