Are you an artistic grower or a scientific grower?

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Which are you?

  • scientific

  • artful

  • both

  • neither

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
So I spent some time reading a bunch of new threads this morning, in particular a few different people's journals. I began to realize that we growers can be placed into one of two groups based on how we view our own grows.

I believe there are people that approach growing scientifically, and I believe there are people that approach growing as an art. Which are you?

oh i got sum art for you right here..

I'd answer this one, but think I need it all explained to me a bit? What is what?
I think that scientific growers are growers that tend to focus their energy on learning how to do everything the absolute best in order to maximize everything possible. Artistic growers on the other hand are more interested in just finding their niche that make them happy and that they enjoy. For example I would say I am an artistic grower. I have grown only SensiStar for years now and am finally trying something new. I have tried hydro and done well and even though it gives you better yields I still prefer growing in dirt. I just see this difference in the way people talk about their grows.

To put it more simply, do you view your growing plants as an excercise in science, art, both, or neither.

I should have phrased it differently and only had two options in the poll. I think everyone can see things in themselves that fit both categories but I'm sure people tend to lean one way. I focus some of my energy on scientific learning but at the same time I know I am most interested in learning how to do things "my way", not necessarily the "right way".

(EDIT: I'm obviously having trouble trying to figure out how to express this thought, I apologize if it doesn't make sense)

I would say both.....but lean artistic. I prefer the naturalistic style. I love to see the plants outdoors, swaying in the breeze, or sparkling with the morning dew. It's just something you can't get indoors, but then again, outdoors you can't exert much controll over thier enviroment.
Interesting question Sensi, (we need to talk about your new avi) Anyway, I am both. I have studied for years about plants, four years at a university in master gardening and my whole adult life in rosedom. BUT,
these lovely plants in my bathroom? It is an art. It is good to know the basics. So..i don't know if I could grow only from an art standpoint if I didn't have the basic stuff.
How's that, and like I said Sensi, i know you like your new avi? but I think your cuter then that mustache.
Great question SSF...

But I feel more towards both...I'm very artistic with that plants. Doing things that make me feel good, like not pruning and just letting the plant give off that green mojo.

I'm also scientific because I do exact measurements, I take a close look at days vegging and flowering. I am constantly making sure the environment is up to par.

So I say both.
I thought I was just a lazy grower... good to know I'm "artistic". It sounds more deliberate.;)
I voted both as I'm still in the learning phase but would probably lean more towards the "art of growing mj". (Isn't there a book with that title?) Most people will probably fall into that catagory, and indeed the poll is leaning in that direction, just because it's more fun. I voted both because I've started a gj and that makes it scientific.
I am the king of "winging" it so artistic....I don't follow a feed schedule at all...I go by feel.
ah someone selected scientific, wonder who it was? There are a couple of people here that I think approach growing as a pure science.

orangesunshine said:
artist today---free pour molasses---trimmed some sucker shoots

LOL, It took me a while to realize you meant the molasses wasn't measured,LOL and that's what I do.
I voted both, I feel like there is an absolute science in what I do but I regard what I do as art and I feel this is verified by examples in the form of art that takes place while I am scientifically growing. Such examples are things like photography, opinions/stories and personal enjoyment that I share with others because of the beauty from the naturalistic qualities.

Good poll!
SensiStarFan said:
I think that scientific growers are growers that tend to focus their energy on learning how to do everything the absolute best in order to maximize everything possible. Artistic growers on the other hand are more interested in just finding their niche that make them happy and that they enjoy. For example I would say I am an artistic grower. I have grown only SensiStar for years now and am finally trying something new. I have tried hydro and done well and even though it gives you better yields I still prefer growing in dirt. I just see this difference in the way people talk about their grows.

To put it more simply, do you view your growing plants as an excercise in science, art, both, or neither.


I see it as flying by the seat of my pants in that I haven't a clue what new thing I will see from day to day and only hope I can tackle any problems as they arise. Truthfully, I haven't a clue what I am doing, just rolling the dice and looking for a 7. So.....artistic?
I lean more to the art side as well. I like how hippiechick put it... I always though I was lazy. lol

I free pour my molasses as well and don't write jack down on a calendar. :)
OldHippieChick said:
I thought I was just a lazy grower... good to know I'm "artistic". It sounds more deliberate.;)

No, you're just lazy. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry, OHC, you just left yourself wide open for that one,:hubba: :hubba:

I'm a lazy grower too. I 'eyeball' most everything, or measure by handful's.

It's not rocket science, but for sure it's a 'feel' thing and either you have it or you don't.

Some get that feel after killing x# of plants and some never do. You do have to kill plants to get that touch.

The biggest question for me is, what ELSE do you grow? Do you garden? Have houseplants? Do you grow 'stuff' just to be growing something?

MJ is mainly something for me to do in the winter, when I can't garden. YaknowhatImean?

Growing nothing but MJ? How limiting. Even when I had several K of orchids in my slat house, they alone weren't sufficient.

the thing i LOVE about growing.. there are so many diferant things that i can do. from how i take clones and keep mothers to how i flower. ive tryed so many dif setups so far and when im bored at work i will draw up new things i can try.. so i guess in a way its kind of an art. tho i am very sientific about it also.

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