Hey Bud Boy, good to meet ya.
The arguments about miracle grow have raged for years. If you want to Maximize your pot plants, then don't use it. If you're happy with a generic plant food like miracle grow, then use it, or one of the many others. If you use it according to the directions on the container for ROSES, you'll be close to what is needed by marijuana. When the plants have less than FIVE leaves on them, don't use any ferts. It's really not needed and can kill the plant easily. When they have 3 nodes on them, or more, then the properly mixed generic ferts will work, but not nearly as well as those that are made for pot. Do a google on "Marijuana+Fertilizer",(without the quote marks), and start reading man. Using the hit and miss method of growing pot usually only teaches you what NOT to do while your plants keep dying. With the Internet available for research, there is no reason for this now. You'll have to do a lot of reading, unless you can get someone else to read it to you. A lot of people don't like reading, but it's the only way you're going to learn. Bite the bullet and jump into the search results in google.