air conditioner toxicity?

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Jan 10, 2008
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hi all,
would having a small ac in a grow closet in my bedroom(i live on my own)
cause any health concern?due to the landlords,we aren't allowed to have any in the windows(dont even know if thats a legal rule)
and im just concerned that the exhaust may contain something toxic..
Even if you were leaking, the gases are heavier than air and would move away from it pretty quick. Let's say your not leaking at all, then your just gonna get a lot of real warm air in there unless you can vent away the heat.
The a/c unit has to cool off and dissapate the heat somehow. Watch out for dripping from the condensation inside the unit.

smoke in peace
due to the landlords,we aren't allowed to have any in the windows(dont even know if thats a legal rule)
As a guess, the landlord probably says that just because it's more efficient (for him/her) to have central hvac (I assume electricity is included in rent). Whatever the case, brush up on the rules of your building, especially any parts that have to do with how much notice is required before your landlord is allowed to inspect your apartment.

Don't forget to do something about the smell.

Hope all goes well for you :)
hey guys,
thanks for the responses,as far as electric goes i pay my own
smell is taken care of,and yearly inspection knock on wood
i'll have smooth sailing for 5 more weeks

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