The Hemp Goddess
mastersativa said:Man, sure are alot of cfl bashers, lol. I havent seen 20 dollar hps either, but would be interested to see. Anyway, check out my grow, it will explain alot about cfl's and how they work. My results are pretty good with em.
I don't think that anyone is really "bashing" CFLs. CFLs and other fluoros work well for vegging and moms, but falls way short when we are talking about flowering. And trust me, those of us that have grown for years know pretty much all there is to know about CFLs and other lights.
We are just trying to inform people. I don't know where the notion ever came from that CFLs are cheaper and/or cooler--they are not. Not only are they not cheaper to buy, they also produce substantially less bud than the same wattage HPS. These are the facts. If you are using CFLs to flower, you are paying more for less.