3 week old plant

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Apr 12, 2011
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I have these two little plants under fluorescent lights. and recentely the bottom leaves have been turning yellow and crispy and falling off even though they are getting plenty of light. Why is this happening? i have given it some diluted solution of the earth juice mix. Im gonna transplant it outside soon but would like it to grow a bit more, its going slow and the leaves seem droopy.

edit: btw they are growing in foam cups and some professional seed starting soil.
I am not sure about soil growing but that sounds like some Nitrogen deficiency there. How big r they, how old, what kind of soil, and how big r the pots they r in? Pics would be usefull. What do the tops look like? could also be a ph issue maybe
:doh: just saw yer edit.:eek: I assume they are only a few weeks old at most. Does the soil have any ready available nutes in it? if not then yu definitely need some fresh nutes in there as they are wanting to take off and don't have anything readily available to pull from. :)

Now I just thought about them being in styrocups, yu may be overwatering or underwatering if yu don't have good drainage, or too good drainage.
Transplant them to a bigger pot, maybe a gallon sized...one with drain holes! When transplanting, gently tear the roots that may be circling the cup's inside, they need to be ripped a touch to stop them from continuing to circle the new home as well. When plants get bigger than their home, they get root bound which, if not corrected, makes for a sad plant all through growth!

The soil should be something clean of any feed (NO Miracle Grow)...

3 weeks in a cup....not the best, but can be fixed!
its not miracle grow and i have been giving it diluted solutions of earth juice grow, boom, and catalyst. Should i be adding more grow? they're on the fifth set of leaves and they are all kinda droopy.
Pics? If you are talking about the very first set of leaves (feeder leaves) then this is normal....the first set of leaves is used for energy early on in life. Pics wld help clear it up.
Hey hamster same thing is hapening to me, theres not crispy or falling off but they are turning abit yellow. the first set of leaves that grow(all the way in the bottom, not feeder ones)
How old are they and what kind of soil are they in?
It wld be hard to tell without pics...or more info at the very least. Like THG said age? Soil? Feed? Ph?
soil: Pro-Mix BX
Nutes: FoxFarm
PH: I Water it with a ph of 6.0-6.5 (do i have to get a ph tester for soil?)

theres sum yellow in the side of the leaves and little sum little brown spots ontop. they seem healthy just not sure if they are 100%. I Also did feed them full strength which i will change. thinking of going half.
K so today the brown spots have gotten bigger. and alittle yellowish around them. u guyz think that it might be nute burn?
nute burn starts at the tips of the upper most leaves. Get a good ph meter is my advice. Your ph could be off just a little bit and it will lock out different nutrients.
Yeah if you are not using a meter to check ph then you are just asking for trouble....ph trouble. Which like maine said will lock you out of different elements and cause deficiencies. Eseasongear.com has real good prices on digital ph pens and meters.

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