2010 grow 1: Black Domina & friends

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ahhh hell man every seed we pop is a gamble...no worries unless your strapped for room. Clones is the only way to go if you want to take the odds away....and we all don't live in sunny california!
Current status pics.
From L to R: Domina seedling; Domina in flower, from above; Mexican sativa; Clone of the sativa; and the babies for grow no. 2010/3, front to back: two Domina seedlings, two Domina clones, two sativa clones.





Thanks 2Dog.
22C and sunny today, the plants loved it. The sativa clones are racing ahead, much faster than the Black Domina clones. I'm going to take 4 more sativa clones next week.

The Mint Choc still looks quite horrible. I am going to let it grow a bit more then top it and use the top as a clone. Aim is to clone 4 of these so as to have in grow #3, 4 Domina, 6 sativa, 4 Mint Choc.

Think I am going to make some colloidal silver to partially reverse one of the sativas and one of the Mint Chocs to get some seeds, because I only have female clones of the sativa and only two (fem) seeds left of the Mint Choc.

Actually if I try the Domina pollen on the sativa I might come up with something like the Mint Choc.

Strangely, the sativa leaves are very similar to the strain I made from the original feral sativa. Might be a characteristic of Mexica sativas?
Growing conditions in the GH near perfect today. Have the shade sheet over it to protect the Jackfruit and lettuce.

Temp 28C
RH 29%

The Dom nearest harvest, clone #1, insulated container, is 37.5" and beginning to fill out.

Clone #2, same age, put into flower two weeks later, is just about to start developing pistils by the look of her. She's 40" tall now.

Mexican sativa now 27.5" and looks like a baseball bat shape, beginning to resin up now. Hope this is a good smoke because I am beginning to really like this unknown bagseed strain. It has the characteristics of Acapulco Gold from my research into the landrace strains. Not like the last (feral Oaxaca) I grew.
The baby sativa has complained at being left out.
Here she is. Beginning to look interesting and she PONGS! What a smell!

Think I will test the frozen Domina pollen on the sativa, do a selective pollination.


Today is a bit of a bummer. I went to move the Mint Choc from the grow room back to the GH and I thought, wait a minute, what's that I see growing in the internodes ... is this one trying to flower ... and HE sure is.
Ripping it up this afternoon. Oh well, I can use the pot to repot my sativa clone. I'm also repotting both the Domina clones. So after this repot I will have all the young plants in 8" pots.

Having given one of the two sativa clones to the nice person who gave me the original, as a replacement, the grow is now:

GROW 2: Black Domina x 2, in flower; Mexican sativa x 1, in flower.
GROW 3: Black Domina clones x 2, seedlings x 2, Mexican sativa clone x 1.

Next step: Cloning 4 more sativas and two more Dominas (who knows, both the seedlings might be male.)
Cloned 4 sativas today, now in the greenhouse in cool light.
Growing conditions continue fine, lots of sunshine, outdoor temp is 17C today.
I always loved the original description of the Domina and I finally got the chance to work with her a few years ago. Lets see what this one brings

Great documentation so far :)
The Domina is a blend of 4 indicas? They are well chosen.
The things I really like about it, well, many, actually.
It's very vigorous, grows rapidly. Nice dark shades make it easy to find in a bunch of strains. Mine are going to 5 ft on this GH grow and I'm very curious to record exactly what the time is to various harvest points starting with clear.
My last grow was pretty useless in that respect due to the the difficult low temps in the grow room in winter. Messed up the maturation time badly.

It's soooo predictable, too. Go 12-12 and 12 days later she pauses and then inflorescence at 16 days. And does not stretch much, if at all. That's a great advantage.

As for the smoke, I still can't caegorise it.
In flavour and bouquet it is identical to some Garberville weed I scored in that town back in '80. Like candy bud in texture. Tawny hairs.

The high, though ... well, I had to harvest prem the last time because of bud rot, hardly uncommon in mid January, so it was still clear/cloudy, but it's quite varied. Sensations of floating. Big grin. Good humour.

Anyway, I am going to run 4 more after the current 2, then move over to one of YOUR strains, haha! And of course the sativa is perfectly adapted to my location so I'm running 5 more of those. I have enough Domina seed in the refri that I can grow some whenever I like.
16C and drizzle today. Darn it that's going to retard my flowering plants.
I left the four young Dominas and the five sativa clones in the grow room instead. They are all doing great.
The sativa is going purple. I've not grown one quite like this before. I have the feeling it is going really dark. The leaf veins are a deep red.
Whooof. Took the top of my head off. Very potent.
I quick dried a sprig from the base, in a warm place all day.
Beginning to look like my confidence in this is justified. Good idea to take 6 clones.
Weather improving. Some sun today, warmer. Found the poor young ones dried up in the grow room, I was running the lamps 24/0. Gave them a drenching, ammonium sulphate 1 level tsp/gallon. Good deep colour. Here are the pics:

Left: Domina clone 1 nearing harvest. Maybe 3 weeks.
Middle: Next generation. Mexican sativa (left), 2 Dominas (from seed), 2 Dominas from clone. I have the suspicion that one of the plants from seed is a male. On the right, a shot of Domina clone 2, surrounded by tomatoes and the Jackfruit tree.



Beautiful pics, one of these plants almost looks like it has blue-green leaves, that's uber health.

Interesting to see what looks like shutting down from the environment on one of your younger plants, I see it on my pomelo (fruit tree, not a marijunana strain) plant, it shuts down when the sun shines too brightly on it, its leaves get really limp and moist. Did yours droop down after the cold?

Lol @ the long distance tomato plant camoflage. I have some plastic flowers that I put on my outdoor plants to fool people into thinking its some sort of flower, unless they train on it with binos... *gulp*
high before and after said:
Beautiful pics, one of these plants almost looks like it has blue-green leaves, that's uber health.

Interesting to see what looks like shutting down from the environment on one of your younger plants, I see it on my pomelo (fruit tree, not a marijunana strain) plant, it shuts down when the sun shines too brightly on it, its leaves get really limp and moist. Did yours droop down after the cold?

Lol @ the long distance tomato plant camoflage. I have some plastic flowers that I put on my outdoor plants to fool people into thinking its some sort of flower, unless they train on it with binos... *gulp*

Wow what sharp eyes you have! You're right, but the reason was, it was too dry - I brought it out of the grow room that I'd switched to 24/0 and forgot to water it often enough. It's happy again now. But yes, in cold weather my plants droop. That's real tomato plants not camo ... they seem to get on well together.
OK. Better record this change. Restore point. LOL. If only.

Stopped vegging the sativa clone#1 for 18/6 (11 day, 7 growroom) and now it is outdoors. Days beginning to lengthen but still early March so who knows what may happen? My personal belief is that being only a foot high it may veg for a while then begin to flower and maybe even reveg. Anyway I need to know what the earliest is for this strain so I will just have to experiment.

I also put the Black Domina from seed #2 outdoor, which will for sure flower it. I am betting on a male. If it is a male, I'll use it to selectively pollinate clone #2 and begin selecting phenotypes. And I'll also selectively pollinate the as-yet-unknown Mexican sativa to see what that offspring is like.

If it's fem, heck, I'll just flower it out.

The five sativa clones are doing about as well as expected. They have the swollen, conical-looking stems of a rooted clone, so I think they will make it. I had them in direct (fierce) sun for a while today, to test them, and only one wilted a bit badly.

Still running at 18/6: Seed Domina #1, maybe a fem, short internodes, 1"; lovely deep colour on the ammonium sulphate, she loves it. Going to veg (her?) to two feet then flower, short season, blazing summer approaches and only sativas will stand it. Domina clone #3 is like a SOG, all branches; and #4 is modest, single stem, but doing well.
Have to resist the temptation to clone more Dominas.
Target for the grows:
Current, GH flowering: say 4 oz each Domina and 6 oz for the sativa.
Follow on: say 36 oz for the 5 outdoor sativas and another 12 oz from the outdoor Dominas.
Repotted sativa clone1 into a 3 gallon pot. Now 17". Growing fast.
The original sativa has 5 weeks more to go (assuming 13 week flowering time).
I decided to cut the top half of the Domina nearest to harvest ... seems to be putting on weight very slowly despite the excellent growing conditions. And I am completely out of smoke, anyway.
Here's the harvest pic after the first trimming. 5 oz. wet; I guess about 1 - 1.25 oz dry. Not a great yield, too early, but I still have the second half and another plant (bigger) well in flower.

That crop above is dangerous. I thought it would be perfectly ok to smoke a joint 3/16 dia. x 1.5" long. Quite small.

So I was really grooving and thinking how psychedelic everything seemed when I had a major blood pressure crash, couldnt detect my own pulse, hands looked bloodless... this went on for half an hour or so. And all this without having had a drop of alcohol.
This is just a bit of popcorn that air dried in two days.

I'm guessing that this crop right now is packed with higher isomers. Those are what's causing the psychedelic effects. The obvious thing to do is to cure it for say 1 week and then freeze in bite sized bags to preserve its activity.

Tremendously potent. It's going to be a one toke wonder I think. I have to say it is pretty risky bc you assume a normal amount is just fine and then get hit.

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