Good job! 13/13 is great. Glad you posted it here too. They look nice.
Rosebud said:Good job! 13/13 is great. Glad you posted it here too. They look nice.
MosesPMG said:huge stalk!! :shocked: wish mine was that big
RABBIT said:SSF your girls are true specimins man, totally happy healthy BEASTS...but...I gotta know, where in the heck didjah get the Wild Cherry Pepsi?! Loved that stuff.
Will be swinging through on a regular, peace!
SensiStarFan said:Hi RABBIT, thanks for jumping into the journal! I feed off of the encouragement, makes me want to treat the girls as well as possible and keep posting pictures These are by far the biggest plants I have ever grown so I'm excited to see something huge. I find Cherry Pepsi in 12 packs all day at Food Lion. I live off that, Sunkist, vodka, and cheap white wine...(not mixed together)
RABBIT said:SSF ...that NYCD looks like she's gonna be a nice producer...how's the bloom stretch on those?
AluminumMonster said:SSF, thats a really nice looking garden ya got there. So lush and full. Where do ya get the Sensi star from?
No problem brother, just calling them as I see em! Hit me with some reputation if it meant that much :cool2: Also, just curious as to what size pots your using there? Are they 5 gal. or 8? looking great either way! I would love to have six that size, how long did you veg for this size in flowering!?SensiStarFan said:Special thanks to Gixxerman, THG, and Hamster Lewis who recommended getting rid of the Hashberry plant. Even if I do think it is probably a male it would be a bad idea to breed with a plant that has shown anything remotely close to hermie characteristics. So the Hashberry was eliminated today with extreme prejudice (chopped up and thrown in a trash bag).
So far in my journal I have shown how I veg my plants, how I flower my plants, but not how I clone my plants (I did in another thread but want it here as well). I took some extra clones 15 days ago at the start of flower just to make sure I was going to have at least two surviving plants of all the seed plants I am growing. And today I get to brag because this is the first time that every single clone I took in the batch survived and threw roots, 13 for 13 Sorry to toot my own horn I'm just excited. It's been a long long time cloning to get a perfect batch.
So I wanted to share how I do my clones because it is a little different from most. To put it quick and simple: I take a cutting and immediately put it in a bowl of water with a few drops of H2O2 mixed in. Then I recut the stem under water and let it sit in the water a minute or two. In a bucket I will have been soaking my 1-inch rockwool cubes in a 5.8-6.0 ph nutrient solution. This is just 1ml each of GH grow-micro-bloom, 1 gallon of water, and a few drops of H2O2. In a clear plastic container I will layer the bottom of the container with 1 inch of soil. Then one at a time I will take a rockwool cube out of the nutrient solution, squeeze out the excess moisture, and take the tip of a pair of scissors and make the hole a little bigger. Then I grab a clone and rub the cut end in some Green Light Rooting Hormone powder and stick it into the rockwool until it is snug. Then I place the clone on top of the dirt in the plastic container and continue the process until I have taken all the clones I want. I label the front of the container with what strain is in what row, and then I fill the container with more dirt until the top of the rockwool of each cube is covered. I then take about 1-2 cups of the nutrient solution I soaked the rockwool in and gently pour it over the soil. I just want to wet the soil, not have any standing water in the bottom of the container. The entire container is then placed on the top shelf of my vegging closet and a 1 foot floro is placed (I'm guessing about 6-10 inches) above the container. The container is covered with a clear plastic cover that is larger than the container so air can still flow in and out just a little bit. After 7 days I will check the soil and the clones to see if more water is needed and if so I just add plain 6.5 ph water (this batch did). Then after roughly 12 days I will start to see roots showing through the bottom of the clear plastic container. After about 14-16 days once I am happy with the number of roots I am seeing on the bottom of the container I go ahead and GENTLY dig the clones out.
There are a couple reasons I do my clones in dirt this way. First off, I grow in dirt and not hydro so I don't care if the rockwool is covered in soil. 2nd, when I tried cloning with just clones placed in rockwool under a humidity dome I had problems with green (I guess algae) growing on the tops of the rockwool cubes that were exposed to light. Having them covered in soil prevents this. 3rd, I have killed many clones sitting in rockwool under a humidity dome from not keeping a close enough eye on how moist the rockwool is. By having the rockwool submerged in soil I find the rockwool stays more consistent and I do not have to keep nearly as close an eye on the clones.
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-If anyone has any questions or ideas for improvement feel free to jump right in!
Gixxerman420 said:No problem brother, just calling them as I see em! Hit me with some reputation if it meant that much :cool2: Also, just curious as to what size pots your using there? Are they 5 gal. or 8? looking great either way! I would love to have six that size, how long did you veg for this size in flowering!?
Gixxerman420 said:No problem brother, just calling them as I see em! Hit me with some reputation if it meant that much :cool2: Also, just curious as to what size pots your using there? Are they 5 gal. or 8? looking great either way! I would love to have six that size, how long did you veg for this size in flowering!?