yeh, it shoud be interesting to see what happens. I have been disapointed in the yeild with these before and was wanting something different but...this grow has changed my mind a bit. previous yeild problems were farmer error I think. tooooo much ferts and the wrong kind. PLUS after smoking something different for a few days....I miss the wr. It rocks my brain. If she fails to reveg I will try something with one of the girls, clone a lower branch and try to reveg it. Hey, if you aren't playing with them, you aren't learning anything, right? Being an experimentaly oriented guy, I can't help myself. Anyway, I have even toyed with the idea of reveging ALL of the girls too, make a nice little scrog grow, don't know though cuzz I have the mazar's started now too, and I am limited in numbers by oregon law. ololololo legal. hehehe still can't get over being legal to grow POT...sheesh...not such a bad world after, when do I get to grow poppies?
I gave the girls plain water today, and started mixxing up their next feeding. It is per gal. 1TBS each of neptunes harvest fish and seaweed 2-3-1, Fish 2-4-1, and seaweed 0-0-1. Plus 1tsp per gal. molassas and 1 tsp each per gal. liquid karma, silica blast, cal-mag and microblast. This is a 6 gallon mix and I also added 1 cup of 3-10-1 bat guano and 1 cup of worm castings. They really responded well to the last feeding, this one is pretty much double strength of the last one, I was off on my sciffering last time, what I measured out was 3 TBS each per 6 gal, was useing new math, oh well, I USED to be smart but too much opiates for too long has really messed up my brain. Oh well, you all understand exactly what I mean, I'm sure. No pics this time, I'll try to get some when I pull them out to feed. when I water I doit in place but when I feed I pull them out of the flower room and set them on a slanted board inside the shop door and let the runoff go out the door onto the driveway. gonna have a weed problem there next spring with all those nutes I dump
ps, I cant wait for mom to dry, heck with cureing, I wanna smoke her little #$$