allfa meal, or fresh from the bail in my case is 2.5-0.5-2.0 . In a tea it is pretty fast acting N. as a soil additive it is considered a medium speed N. I am useing it as just a tea with these girls, they are in MG 3 month feed so they shouldn't need much N but they are really stretching right now and they seem to be eating it all up, and getting a little defficiant. I am makeing up my own soil mix for the next crop and have added alfalfa at 1 cup per cuft. of mix, along with a hundered other goodies. It works WONDERS as a foliar spray, hit your plants with this stuff in veg and watch what they do, I like to spray them 3 times in one day, once a week. Give it a try and see what I mean.
edit: i have read a couple places that alfalfa is one of the secret ingredients in superthrive, dont know if its true, but it is SUPER stuff.