1st Grow(auto Easyryder)

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I hve nursed worse back to health....I wld back the light off to about 6 inches...at this point you wld rather deal with some stretch then fry the lil guy even more....don't gve up on it though...as long as any new growth looks healthy then it can still be nursed back to health...
when i was moving plant down noticed it had 2 skinny white roots sticking out from bottom of rapid rooter. should i be moving it over to dwc already? or leave it in the humidity dome til it looks healthy again?
ok, not sure if anyone cares hehe, but little update. shes 12 days old.

this is latest picture. she has her 2nd set of leaves. the first set came back to life. wondering if i should snip off the dead brown/yellow tips or just leave em.

now from reading, it looks like i might be moving her to the DWC soon. has 2nd set of leaves and white roots thru the bottom of rapid rooter. my thing is my tap water is HORRIBLE! well atleast thats what my PPM meter says. outta tap my PPM readings are 820-845!!! i tried it on 3 diff. ppm settings and all 3 read same. now get this, i have one of them Aquasana counter top water filter things. i figured the ppm would be lower... wrong! ppm was actually HIGHER! 850-870!!! guess ill have to be hauling jugs of RO water from the watermill :*(

suggestions, comments? thanks for viewing my thread.
Looking good...don't snip off the dead portions of the leaves...just let them be...that sucks about your tap ppm..that is mad crazy high...I wonder what the limit is on ppm in tap water for human consumption?
yea its insane. im calling my water treatment plant tomorrow morning see what they have to say about the ppm levels of their "treated" water.

sigh, i dont have the money atm to get an inhouse RO system. but it looks like that might be the best way and least expensive in the long run.
well i think the plant is rdy to be moved into dwc. i just have a question about nutes.

i have the GH FloraNova 2 part nutes. my question is this, what stage feeding do i follow? Mild Growth, Growth, Aggressive Growth, Transition, Bloom, Aggressive Bloom? Also what strength of nutes should i give? 1/4, 1/2, full strength?

im not too sure where im at at this point in my little girls life. she is 13days old, has her 2nd set of leaves. i would appreciate any advice. thank you.
For your first grow I would just use the Growth regimen and follow it closely. this will give you a good baseline to experiment with on future grows. GH gives you a good gradual build-up. I did this on my first few grows and found the results were really good. You might want to try the Diamond Nectar additive - it really seems to help with uptake on the young plants.

If yo haven't found it yet heres the calculator - it helps taking the guess work out of the cycle

im pulling up a seat for this grow! i just started one off myself. all autos
afternoon everyone, lol. well im here looking for some advice. not sure what im doing wrong, but my little girl looks un-happy. shes got droopy leaves, and tips of the 2 big leaves are yellowish. i think water level is fine. i peek in from the side and see bubbles poping an splashing up water. she has a few roots creeping outta the hydroton and net cup.

here the grow room stats.

currently as of 10mins ago:
grow room temp - 78.8 (highest ever gotten was 27c or 80.6F)

humid% - 56% (highest ive recorded was 61%)

water temp - 81.3F (gotten up to 82, but im doing the ice bottle thing. cant keep up) res is sitting on my tile floor, with mylar on top to reflect radiant heat, 2 fans hitting it and the plant.

water pH - 6.62 (i check this regularly)
water ppm - 430

nutes - GH floranova grow added 7.5ml (1/4 str) and .1ml floralicious plus(1/4 str)

pictures dont seem to be working atm, well for me atleast. i will try again later tonight after i get home from work.
Ok thanks. I'll bring it down then. To brin it down do I add pH down to res or remove some water an add fresh 5.8 pH water?
tbomun said:
Ok thanks. I'll bring it down then. To brin it down do I add pH down to res or remove some water an add fresh 5.8 pH water?

Good question...I hve only done hydro one time....I wld think you wld add ph down to res till it is within range and then make sure all water/nutes you add to the res in the future are properly ph'd....
be careful with the floralicious this early on. MJ doesn't like some of the additives. Master is right on with the PH.
thanks guys really thank you. Hamster Lewis thank you for the pH help and for being there to help when ya can.

scatking, thanks too! but i followed that GH calculator you linked for me a few posts up. i change nutes to floranova 2 part and it recommend Floralicious plus and Florablend(dont have but ordered) i also ordered Hygrozyme cuz im having trouble keeping res temps down and dont want root rot.

suggestions? thank you again!
Just wanted to say wow how quickly things can change. Last nite I fixed the pH an the tiny little root that was barley poking out net pot is now abt an inch long this morn. She looks a little perkier too. Hope I don't jinx it.

Edit: would like comments on the nutes an additives. Should I use hygrozyme for precautions?
bit of an update. my plant seems to be doing better, but then again being my first grow, i could be missing something. id still like some feedback from the passion community about the additives. im following the GH calculator that Scatking linked for me. and it recommends Floralicious Plus and Florablend. also im having trouble keeping my res temp in the optimum range. its been around 80 degree. read that Hygrozyme helps prevent root rot, so i ordered a bottle of it.

here a couple pictures. the first is current as of 15mins ago. the 2nd was from few days ago, she looked sad an droopy. now she looks good, although one leaf has 1 small yellow spot on it.

again thanks for viewing and pls feel free to leave ur comments or suggestions. i appreciate any advice. thank you


Looks good...I am not sure about the additives....I only use GH 3 part...it has everything my plants need and they do quite well with just the 3 part and 5 cc's of calmag added to every gallon of water...
is something wrong with my plant? she looks awfully small. she broke outta her rapid rooter on Jan. 2nd. its jan. 24th and she is tiny. is something wrong? or is it just slow? funky leaf growth too. or maybe im just seeing things. any help would be wonderful.

grow room #'s

air temp - ~78-80 during lights on. ~74-76 off.
res temp- was an issue but have since moved into a 14g roughneck at ~12gallons. avg temp 72(off) 78-79(on). also drop in a couple frozen water bottles.
humidity- 30-50%
pH- 5.49 (current)
ppm-1200 (current) was a little high for about day an half. was arnd 1800 but i dropped it down by removing and replacing with pH ro water.


Could use some help. Just went thru a members easyryder grow and just confirmed something is wrong with mine. Should I yank it an start again?
heck no - don't yank it unless it's a male. You just have new baby jitters. I seem to recall reading that autos don't yield as much in hydro but don't quote me on that.... I think most auto growers here use soil. Find someone whos grow you admire in the hydro sub forum here and PM them - people love to help if you ask.... best of luck and green mojo.

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