hiya OHC and Stack :ciao: sorry its been a couple weeks since my last update, been busy with the holidays and all...havent had much time to get online, hope you all had a great christmas

ours was very green:hubba:
we chopped the last few AK plants on the 21st... total dry weight for the grow was 5.5 ozs ...about an oz a plant...about what were expecting, these plants were grown under a 400hps, i believe that under a 1000hps they would have yeilded closer to 2oz's a plant but we'll take what we have and be happy

the smoke is very potent, starts as a head high and finnishes couch lock, at least thats my take on it, everyone thats smoked it has said they are blown out on it, most say they cant smoke more than half a doob and half to put it out...the buds were not nearly as tight as i would have liked to see but they seem to break up nice, a little goes a ways...the smoke is very smooth for not having much of a cure to it, cant wait till some of it has more time to cure, taste is hard to describe, the wife says somewhat citrisy, i think its more of a spicey flavor, kinda reminds me of the sour diesel we had recently, but either way very tasty... nice smoke, we would grow this again.
one cool thing was a twin top that grew, no one we have talked to that has grown has ever seen one, pretty cool...some pics