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  1. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Evening folks. French toast and maple sausage for supper. Might have a chance to work on the grow this evening before bed. I got the quail aviary almost done. Just need to frame a door out. And pour some concrete around the edges.
  2. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Anything you give would be appreciated. Thank you.
  3. yarddog

    Wanted Long shot. Looking for clone only Icookie

    13, he just dropped off the earth after some medical issues. I’ve texted with him over time. Not frequently. He’s alive and well and that’s about all I know. Another good dude. Man the forums used to be on fire.
  4. yarddog

    Phlizon Giveaway Comes Back!

    476 chips U.S.A @giggy @Carty
  5. yarddog

    Dog's Yard

    Well I fought the tent and I won. Got the 4x4 up. Will install the the filter and fan tonight. Light is still in the 3x3 for a few more weeks times harvest. Then swapping that 1k watt hps over to the 4x4. Will use the 3x3 with an old school mag ballast 400 watt hps should be just...
  6. yarddog

    Wanted Long shot. Looking for clone only Icookie

    I’m looking for a cut I lost several years ago. I know she made her rounds in certain circles for years. Icookie was the cut. It was a particular clone of instant cookies and Girl Scout cookies if I recall correctly. It was very smelly and dense as a board. 8 week finisher. Dark...
  7. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Wife likes indica or CBD strains. I like anything from indica to sativa. I had a very nice collection but gave it away when we stopped growing about five years ago. Didn’t want them to be wasted. Had a 26 week Panama Red I never go a chance to try. I never tried c99, had a tester...
  8. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Anyone have some seeds from a breeder project? Looking for some variety in the grow room.
  9. yarddog

    Giveaway Vivosun...Go sign up

    If any of you win I hate you. But really, I’ll let you know when my free stuff comes in 😂
  10. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Evening folks. Been in the basement fighting a new 4x4 tent. Whew. Glad I didn’t go for the 5x5!! So I have a 3x3 tent that’s fixing to be extra. I have a 400 watt mag ballast HPS sitting around. You folks think it will push a 3x3 enough for bloom? I’d love to soak some beans...
  11. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Goat marked safe from diddling today.
  12. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    They say the message said “72 virgins”
  13. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    I bet pagers are pretty cheap right now….
  14. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    My cousin has been catching a lot of Tax Men lately. Black snakes in the chicken coop. I haven’t see any yet. But with nine cats in the yard my rodent population is likely lower than his.
  15. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Typical city **.
  16. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Wakey wakey.
  17. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Evening folks. I need to cut grass, meant to get new blades all summer. Never did. Grower friend of mine gave me an ounce a few days ago to hold us over. Watering the plants down in the basement. Eating some muscadines and smoking a bowl.
  18. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Penetrating oil does wonders.
  19. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Taking a rolling lunch break today. I got to go smoke a bowl. Moms not doing better. Getting worse. Going after work to see her. I’m sick of going to see people that are dying. It’s a fact of life. But don’t mean I got to be happy about it.
  20. yarddog

    Island Of Misfits

    Morning peeps. @WeedHopper she just turned 63. Nice and crisp this morning. Some folks have jackets on. Sure wish I had more firewood. I hate a cold house in the winter. Soaks into the bones.