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  1. Professor bongwater

    Free Speech

    This is by far the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on this forum. If you are so unhappy here then "LET IT GO!!" Enough said? I understand you, I can be the same way, HARD HEADED!! It is, what it is! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!! This is a place of peace not WAR!!
  2. Professor bongwater


    G'DAY!!! Post pictures and they will come.... (They = Opinions) :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome: :welcome:
  3. Professor bongwater

    Not looking very good

    If I was you I would ditch that soil. I have just tested the same soil (assuming that is the stuff you mentioned in another thread) and it was 325ppm and the pH was 5.2 w/ reverse osmosis water that measured pH 7.0 and 004 ppm. Without adjusting that soil for drainage and pH, I would say that...
  4. Professor bongwater

    DrGreenThumb and The_Riz's Grow Journal

    Congratulations Guys!!:clap: AH, how sweet it is to enjoy the fruits of your labor. The labor of LOVE!!:heart: Now put down those joints and get back to work!! It's time for another journal!!
  5. Professor bongwater

    DrGreenThumb and The_Riz's Grow Journal

    That mug shot is nice!! It would be awesome to have a tread devoted to mug shots the poster could include a rap sheet with a description of things such as, how it was grown, lights, how long in flower, taste, smell, effect etc. etc..... All the good stuff that could help us all... Just a...
  6. Professor bongwater

    Stopped by stoner Cops

    You are still the KING!----------- :cop: +:bong2:+ :cop:= :rofl:
  7. Professor bongwater

    Stopped by stoner Cops

    I am originally from a smaller town in the Midwest. Were the police don't have much to do. So I have had some bad experiences with the police, such as harassment and searching. So I now live in California. Shortly after moving here I was gifted an eighth of some (super smelly) purple haze from a...
  8. Professor bongwater


    If you re planning on hydro, you will want the bigger pieces and they do not carry the bigger pieces at wal-mart. Check your local hydro store. Prof.
  9. Professor bongwater

    Sick Plant, any help?

    What color was the roots when you transplanted it into the FFOF? My guess is that it had/still has a poor root system due to wet feet and possibly a pH issue. Do you use super thrive? If not I would buy some soon. I would first get a accurate pH reading. I would not water again until its leaves...
  10. Professor bongwater

    sooo faded

    Good Weed Indeed!!
  11. Professor bongwater

    High Again!!

  12. Professor bongwater

    Stopped by stoner Cops

    Now thats comedy!! That was not their first rodeo and it will not be their last. I suppose that they are people too, some of them just hide it better than others...
  13. Professor bongwater

    Now what....!

    And I thought I was crazy!! LOL
  14. Professor bongwater

    Sick Plant, any help?

    That is the way some gardeners do it, I prefer taking soil samples myself. I have found that (for me) it's by far the more accurate method. This is what I do, find some thin wall plastic tubing that will reach the bottom of the pot. If it is not thin enough it will only compact the soil. Then...
  15. Professor bongwater

    Sick Plant, any help?

    First off, I am by far NOT an expert. But, that looks like over watering to me. How are you collecting the pH sample? What are you using to measure the pH? Cheers!! Prof.
  16. Professor bongwater

    Medical cultivation limits in California?

    Try this... and then scroll down to sanhandbood04.pdf and click, your there!! Thanks socal420girl. :aok: Prof.
  17. Professor bongwater

    Mr Oysterheads Grow , 4 1/2 weeks of flowering

    Very nice Mr.O!! It looks like you have a good trio going. How do they smell?
  18. Professor bongwater

    Now what....!

    Thanks for all of the support guys! I just thought I would attempt livening things up around here. The fact is, unexpected things will always happen when you least expect them to and of coarse I am a little paranoid. Mostly due to the way the laws haven't worked out for me in the past. It all...