Sick Plant, any help?

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Jan 7, 2007
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Hey MP members, this is my project plant. Started her from bag seed, and honestly I didnt think I was capable of growing anything, but she's growing. She doesn't look too good though. She was started in a coffee can and I recently transplanted her to a 4 gallon bucket. She is roughly 3 weeks old. I made the light she's under that runs 24/7 (12 cfls @ 1600 lumens each 6500K). She's in FF OF potting soil with perlite added. I water when the soil gets dry 2 inches deep with distilled water. The soil pH runs right around 7-7.5. Temp and RH are 78-86 and 20-25%. Problems are her leaves are yellowing, some leaves have little brown spots, the new leaf tips are twisting to the right and folding up, and she is REALLY droopy. Also the first couple of lesves grew werd the sawtooth leaf design was mutated and would skip a sawtooth and make weird wrinkly effect ( I think due to heat stress...what do you think? I know I need nutes to cure the yellow leaves( was going to buy FF Grow Big and Big Bloom), but what about the rest?? Surely has to do with soil nutes right? ANy help is appreciated. THANKS!

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First off, I am by far NOT an expert. But, that looks like over watering to me. How are you collecting the pH sample? What are you using to measure the pH?
I thought it was overwatering too...but I let the soil get REALLY dry a couple of times and then watered and they were still droopy. I use a little analog pH meter to measure the soil...real cheap little thing...prob. not accurate. I have a hanna pH meter but only use it for the water that I water wth b.c its not meant for soil. If I measure the pH of the water that comes out of the plant after watering will that give me an accurate reading of the pH of the soil? I read that somewhere. Thanks for the reply.
If I measure the pH of the water that comes out of the plant after watering will that give me an accurate reading of the pH of the soil? I read that somewhere.
That is the way some gardeners do it, I prefer taking soil samples myself. I have found that (for me) it's by far the more accurate method. This is what I do, find some thin wall plastic tubing that will reach the bottom of the pot. If it is not thin enough it will only compact the soil. Then 1/2 way between the stock of the plant and the wall of the container push it through the soil (don't worry the roots will grow back). Now remove the soil from the inside of the pipe. Dry out the sample (in the oven if needed) measure the sample, add 2 parts water and let it soak for 10-15 min. now strain the water off and take your reading with your digital meter. If you are measuring TDS you can take your reading and multiply it by 2.4 to get your total. As I said before this is the method I prefer and everyone gardens a little different. You may want to wait for another opinion, but that is mine.
Here's a few more pictures. Notice the brown spots, the droopines of the leaves, the folding upward of leaves, and the curling of the new mini leaves.

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What color was the roots when you transplanted it into the FFOF? My guess is that it had/still has a poor root system due to wet feet and possibly a pH issue. Do you use super thrive? If not I would buy some soon. I would first get a accurate pH reading. I would not water again until its leaves sag a little and then only minimal. If I am leading you in the wrong direction I am sure someone will correct me.... I hope!!
Any other opinions?

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