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  1. J


    thats funny, the same thing happened to me when i was in line at subway except i didnt fall down i made it back to my moms car (i was 16) lol. and ya it is scary, like everything you said happened to me to a tee. first the ears start to ring and you cant really hear good, and you just feel...
  2. J

    DIY Growing in Closet

    squeef i got a carbon filter, plug-ins and i told him i smoke sometimes in my room so that would cover me if he smelled buds he would think it was my stash, and the fact that i smoke in my room could help cover.
  3. J

    DIY Growing in Closet

    the other side of my closet is my room, like it's a regular room with a slide closet for "clothes". :) the people i'm living with dont know im doing it so i dont want them to find out, and we dont have an attic.
  4. J

    yellow on leaves and sides curveing

    what are the white rocks on your plant? is that hydroponics? how does the plant get nutrients?
  5. J

    DIY Growing in Closet

    i've posted similar q's on people's threads that related to diy grow rooms, and have got some good feedback but nothing that i was exactly looking for. i live in a room with a sliding door closet which i can take those off. it's about 4-5 feet across and 2 feet width. i really dont know...
  6. J

    How do you know

    here's how i understand it, when planting seeds. please tell me if i got it wrong. you plant your seeds and let them grow until you see signs of sex (male has a little ball start and so does female but female has two little pistills) if you dont pull out the male soon after it shows signs it...
  7. J

    i spent 90 on an 600watt hps bulb

    well i felt really good about it until i saw it for like 49.99 online... i got it from an indoor grow shop. but it's hortilux so i know it's good and there's no guarentee online.
  8. J

    Ph Way Low!!

    does NPK and Calcium (nutes) bring the pH up or down?
  9. J

    i spent 90 on an 600watt hps bulb

    did i get ripped off?
  10. J

    is it imparitive to have...

    a sealed tight grow box? like my plants are going to be coming from the closet out into my room and light will escape (which i dont see why thats such a big deal, i heard people say it can make your plant turn hermie) (i have a 600watt btw)
  11. J

    Fans and ventilation

    thanks man, if you come across any good diy's like that please let me know.
  12. J

    Please critique my 1st grow box

    oh sht, i just bought a 600 watt and it's going in my closet. does it really burn the closet? shoulda gone for the 400?
  13. J

    Fans and ventilation

    dude so im in an apartment too but i told my roommate (the owner) i smoke occasionally in the room and will open the window.. just in case he smells the weed he wont be surprised, maybe he'll think it's just my stash. but my problem is finding a good DIY of making a grow box (4 walls around...
  14. J

    MOVING IN! ventilation sound Q

    anybody, im signing the lease tomorrow and if these things are extraordinarily loud i may have to jump ship and go with another place.
  15. J

    Noise dampening...Any ideas?

    ya but i knew it would be bumped up and i was hopin' someone would read it. like you! lol
  16. J

    Noise dampening...Any ideas?

    is it really that loud? i mean wouldn't people just think you have a fan on all day? how loud is the ballast and the fans really? like does it loud enough for people to be like "that's not a fan, i wonder what that is?"?
  17. J

    MOVING IN! ventilation sound Q

    im moving into a place this week and i need to know something. i have an air cooled reflector and intake and exhaust ( i think.. but that's a whole other thread lol ) anyways, their bedroom is next to mine, will it raise suspicion that there is that noise on all day? is it very loud? also is a...
  18. J

    if females don't grow seeds...

    then why do you get seeds in your weed bag sometimes (hasn't happened to me in years but it used to sometimes). and in the 70's my mom told me there used to be seeds in her weed all the time.
  19. J

    Police bust Grow Operation

    a grow light is not enough for a warrent, i would kick up dust.
  20. J

    Couple Q's

    thanks man, i'll do that.