Fans and ventilation

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2008
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Hey everybody,

I need a bit of help here. I have a small closet (3' x 4', 12 sq. ft.). Because I rent and don't own, I can't make drastic changes to my apartment such as drilling holes and what not in the closet wall. For that reason my ventilation is simple; open the door, and keep the 2 7" fans going. I've placed one fan on the floor in the doorway blowing into the closet across the tops of seedlings (coming along fairly nicely, btw). This fan is not oscillating. The other fan is sitting on a box about 2 feet off the floor. This fan is against the back wall ,opposite the doorway and facing it. It is oscillating in an effort to blow hot air out the door. As I said, it is against the back wall, which is about three feet from the doorway.

This seems to be ok at times, but at other times it doesn't work well. Perhaps I could set it up differently, using the same fans? Any suggestions?

The closet has a tendency to be hot. I use a 400 watt mh lamp. I think part of the problem is that even if the air gets blown out of the closet it tends to go in the wrong direction. Once outside the closet it needs to be blown away and into another cooler room and then out the window. In other words, the room that the closet is in stays warm most of the time, while the room adjacent is much cooler. So, I need to blow the air out of that room and into the cooler room. Opening a window in the room where the closet is, isn't an option at this moment.

Any suggestions?,

Is your 400watt an air cooled system?? Do you have any fresh air from outside coming into the garden? Do you have have airconditioning options? It is hard to cool the room down without a fresh air intake supply, your really stuck at the temperature your apartment's ambient temp is. Maybe use an open window with a fan directing the air into the closet if you have a window close enough. And if possible place a fan behind and just under your light, this way as it sits high(heat rises) and mainly blows out the heat from the light source, as far as directing it once it leaves your closet is another thing. Good luck and give us a lil more details bud, Peace and Love!!!
Yeah, I'm pretty much at the mercy of the ambient temperature of the apartment. There are windows in the room where the closet is located, but because of the way I have the windows blacked out so light from the MH isn't seen at night I am reluctant to open them up. I could redo them, but even then there are problems that I won't bore you with. Actually, I did open up one of those windows as a test, and it didn't seem to help. In the room adjacent to the room in which the closet is located, all the windows are open.

Air conditioning? I've come to realize that might be the only solution for me. Actually, I'm sure that in the past the closet has gotten that hot and even hotter and I didn't know it, because I had no thermometer. I'm only worried now, because I know what the temperature is. My plants should be fine; they've survived in the past. Some manifest a bit of heat stress, but they'll get over it. I've noticed that as plants get bigger they seem to be more tolerant of heat. At least that's the way it seems to me.

Normally heat isn't too much of a problem, because around here the temperature is usually around 75 degrees. Yesterday it was only 85 degrees here; however, 85 degrees outdoors means it gets about 93 -95 degrees in the closet from about 4pm until the sun goes down. MJ is supposed to be able to handle high temperatures anyway. Temperatures in the 90's isn't ideal, but they'll hopefully be ok.

No, I doubt my system is an air cooled system seeing as I don't know what an air cooled system is. What is that anyway?
I'll figure something out. Thanks for your advise.

you might try using the oscilating fan down low to blow air on your plants and putting your other fan outside the upper part of your closet, this should more effectively pull air out of your closet instead of blowing hot air around inside. two ?'s . do you have a cool tube?, and how are you going to keep light out at dark time when you flower, if you need your door open to vent
good points brushbill...also would like to say that I read MJ with slow down growth when themps reach 90+..and that added heat stress could send your plants air cool is just that a light fixture that is air cooled( I think)..I would also like to add that MJ need FRESH air from outside...that is where I believe the co2 comes from..try to get some pics up here and people can help you much better...good luck and KEEP M GREEN
4u2smoke said:
good points brushbill...also would like to say that I read MJ with slow down growth when themps reach 90+..and that added heat stress could send your plants air cool is just that a light fixture that is air cooled( I think)..I would also like to add that MJ need FRESH air from outside...that is where I believe the co2 comes from..try to get some pics up here and people can help you much better...good luck and KEEP M GREEN

your right about temps, outdoor plants get lots of co2, so they can handle heat better. there a several ways to boost co2 cheaply, in the resources section here, but lowering temps is def safer
howdy Alistair, is temporarily replacing door with a piece of plywood so you can do it proper(cut holes) an option? i just got a 188cfm "duct booster fan" for 40.00. you may be able to hang one of those as high in the closet as possible(hook&bungies) and duct it out the open door to the window. dont know if these will work for you or not, just thought id throw it out there.
cut hole in closet anyway, just install a light in the hole when you move. land lord will thank you for the up-grade.
If you grow in an apartment i suggest getting a homebox or dark room and putting a lock on the master bedroom. Or whatever bedroom it's in. No holes in the wall and you can exhaust the air into the room through the carbon filter. No smell , no light leaks, and no worries with the locked door. deliver a notice to your landlord that you want 30 days or whatever the law allows in your state for surprise inspections, yearly inspections ect.ect.

Get a grow tent is my advice. Otherwise you may continue to have heat problems. I would also suggest looking for a house to rent, and get out of that apartment.
Mr.Wakenbake said:
If you grow in an apartment i suggest getting a homebox or dark room and putting a lock on the master bedroom. Or whatever bedroom it's in. No holes in the wall and you can exhaust the air into the room through the carbon filter. No smell , no light leaks, and no worries with the locked door. deliver a notice to your landlord that you want 30 days or whatever the law allows in your state for surprise inspections, yearly inspections ect.ect.

Get a grow tent is my advice. Otherwise you may continue to have heat problems. I would also suggest looking for a house to rent, and get out of that apartment.

dude so im in an apartment too but i told my roommate (the owner) i smoke occasionally in the room and will open the window.. just in case he smells the weed he wont be surprised, maybe he'll think it's just my stash. but my problem is finding a good DIY of making a grow box (4 walls around grow). do people usually just take 4 boards and nail them together or somethin?
basically, ya... 6 pieces combined together to make a box ;)
That crazy vancouver guy said:
basically, ya... 6 pieces combined together to make a box ;)

thanks man, if you come across any good diy's like that please let me know.

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