first time grower growing 100+ plants

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Mar 8, 2008
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i live on a fairly good sized farm, 500+ acres.:cool: I can think of at least 10-15 places off the top of my head that'll be ideal for growing weed and where nobody ever goes.

Basically, this is what i was thinking. There's two large cornfrields that i can plant in, those don't get touched till late october, and the rest i figure i can spread out in patches of 2-10 plants throughout the woods on my land and obscure locations on other people's land.

There's also some HUGE trees on my land and in the neighbouring forest. Would it be possible to actually put some plants in those trees? I'm physically fit and can climb like a monkey.

Deer and other animals are a concern for me, there's a large population of white tailed deer where i live, and its a dairy farm so cows will have acess to some of the plants. Anyone know if cows like weed? lol

My friend is supplying me with clones but he lives 5 hours away from my house, so its a lengthy drive. Does anyone have any tips for hiding plants in the car? they'll probably be about 2-3 inches tall when i'm transporting them. I'm gonna follow the speed limit and be as inconspicuous as possible, but theres always the risk that i'll be pulled over.

My main concern right now is getting the clones in the ground, and getting the weed harvested and back to the city to sell. I'm fairly confident that once i get them in the ground there won't be too many problems. It rains quite frequently where i live, and the soil is very fertile.

Basically i was wondering how much work is this going to take? I'm only now starting to look into planting and growing techniques so my knowledge is almost nil on the subject. Is it gonna be possible for one or possibly two people to pull this off? The locations i'm thinking of are all within 10 minute walks of driveable entry points. (not always roads, some field boundaries, etc)

Also, we get planes and sometimes choppers flying low over our land in the summer, looking for weed i assume. Is there any way they would be able to sense the plants if they were concealed to the human eye? like is there some kind of technology they use that can spot THC concentrations?

Also, i'll be planting over 100 plants but they'll be all spread out, over my land and other people's. Would it be possible to link me to all 100 plants without some kind of physical evidence? What is the best way to make sure my hands are clean?

hmm what else...oh yeah, i live on a farm so we have access to a lot of cow manure, corn fertilizer, pesticides, stuff like that. If any of that is of use let me know.

I was thinking i'd plant all the clones in one night, and harvest all the plants in one night. Is this realistic for one person and 100+ plants?

Thanks for the feedback in advance, i'm really excited about this and can't wait to get started. Danger + huge profit = one happy man, lol.
over 100 plants!! with that many plants you must be switching careers!1 LOL.. sounds like a lot of work even for 2 people.
Firepower said:
over 100 plants!! with that many plants you must be switching careers!1 LOL.. sounds like a lot of work even for 2 people.

It's work, but its worth it.
Prepare yourself for the hardest work EVER.

Hope you have a strong back!

Pics? Ever? Interested.....
hey man welcome to the forum :D Just to warn you not everyone here is happy about growing weed for financial gain. I'm not fussed - i cant moan as i dont grow it much so have to buy it :D

Sounds manic tho!! wish I had land like that to grow on!! How many will you be transporting in the car? the boot/trunk is the only way to do it really.

Good luck with it all tho man!
Thorn said:
hey man welcome to the forum :D Just to warn you not everyone here is happy about growing weed for financial gain. I'm not fussed - i cant moan as i dont grow it much so have to buy it :D

Sounds manic tho!! wish I had land like that to grow on!! How many will you be transporting in the car? the boot/trunk is the only way to do it really.

Good luck with it all tho man!

Not every state has med laws and people have to get it from somewhere so whats wrong with people who grow to sell, med patients who are not recognised as so by their governments wouldn't have anything to toke.
"There's also some HUGE trees on my land and in the neighbouring forest. Would it be possible to actually put some plants in those trees? I'm physically fit and can climb like a monkey."

I know there aren't any treetop grows here (yet) but I know there are some threads on treetop growing at rollitup.. search "treetop". I have some perfect trees for it at my house and am considering it too
thanks for the replies.

i want to transport it all at once. so one trip for the clones, and another for the bud.

I'm no stranger to hard work, i treeplanted, grew up on a farm, lift weights almost every day, etc, so i'm not worried about that. time is more of an issue for me, and keeping it as inconspicuous as possible.

for the selling part, well what can i say it's probably all gonna go directly to college students, who would get it some where anyways, so i really don't see anything morally wrong. Better i get the money than the hell's angel's or whatever.
I too appreciate a good days hard work.

...wish I could help.

I don't exactly live somewhere were a outdoor grow is possible.


The Effen Gee said:
Prepare yourself for the hardest work EVER.

Hope you have a strong back!

Pics? Ever? Interested.....

yeah i'll take some pics for sure and post them up when i'm done.
the widowmaker said:
Not every state has med laws and people have to get it from somewhere so whats wrong with people who grow to sell, med patients who are not recognised as so by their governments wouldn't have anything to toke.

I never said there was anything wrong with it, i even said that i cant talk as i buy it myself! Jus was warning him that some people on here are a bit tetchy about it tis all ;)
100+ plants? What for?

To me that is selfish, as well as a good way to get picked up for it. I dont know youre locale, but i know that most places have a limit, and none that i can recall are 100+.

I grow for myself, a few med-friends, and some simple vacation cash, thats it. I do however enjoy the hobby of growing MJ. Having said that, im not gonna try to grow 100 different strains at the same time....

Its been seen and proven, time and time and time again on this board about how people become selfish and greedy and grow more than they should, and then get suprised when they get busted for it. Ive even posted news articles of people in my locale gettin busted for it. If you wanna grow, grow smart! Growing 100+ is not smart IMO, its retarded.

Grow Smart = Long time grows and overall profit
Grow Dumb = Short time growing, money spent on attorneys and doing jailtime

On top of how much of an attraction it will cause, not only to the deer, but to the people who hunt the deer. On top of the smell. On top of the LEO with IR, and some dumbshit teens gettin caught up in your property pluckin off your plants and get hurt and you gettin sued and some attorney bringing charges against you for them gettin hurt, and then whatever public prosecutor comes after you for growing in the first place. It all comes down to this....

If its legal to grow where you are from, then get legalized and support the rest of the legal growers, instead of a statistic that is used against us in politics and court. You can always grow in small quantities, so even if you do get busted, its not like the headlines are gonna say, "GUY GETS BUSTED WITH HALF-MILL WEED CROP!"

Just dont become another statistic that those of us who are trying to get legalized have to fight against. Think before you act!

outdoorsman101 said:
"There's also some HUGE trees on my land and in the neighbouring forest. Would it be possible to actually put some plants in those trees? I'm physically fit and can climb like a monkey."

I know there aren't any treetop grows here (yet) but I know there are some threads on treetop growing at rollitup.. search "treetop". I have some perfect trees for it at my house and am considering it too

if you put them in trees they would get absoultley no light
A whole lot of Gorilla Grows are done in trees. Much harder and not so efficient but I have seen it done.
I have heard of many people growing it in evergreens before. Climb to the top of it with a 5 gallon bucket full of dirt and secure it there. A little bit of natural camoflauge and Viola! I did it one year and I had a hell of a time getting the pot i chose up there but it was worth it. I used a 20 gallon tub that me and a friend hauled 30 feet up an evergreen. Securing the tub up there was cake: it was getting the dirt 30 feet up the side of an evergreen tree that was hard! Me and my buddy managed to do it though and the two clones I put up there eventually grew to about 4 feet tall in the top of that tree. Got around 5 oz. off of that venture. Used to be a popular subject at <<What happened to them anyways!?>> Well I see no problem with what you are doing. To each his own, I say. If you want to grow a million plants, nobody has any right to tell you otherwise. Freedom is guaranteed to everyone and everyone on this site has purchased mj from someone at some point and time. That makes them just as guilty right?? Either way, keep us posted on what you do and make sure to take some pics. Im curious. Good luck and take care.
Did anyone pay attention to the actual title of this topic? If not let me remind you....

"FIRST TIME GROWER growing 100+ plants"

If this was an experienced grower, id say lets see the results. I think however, most of you overlooked the fact it said first time grower. Im not one to see anyone waste money or do something stupid on the word or advice of someone else. So i said what i said with that in mind!

It's obvious he has no idea what he is doing or getting himself in.....

Hay there Russla and welcome to the group!
Yes I am one of those people that Moans when there some one growing for just Money !!!

Just making money is what ur after then I think ur at the Wrong web site, I hate to see MJ being Abuse by Big growers!!!!!

Even if u have all that room and having that many plants in all those places off top of ur head, can get u in lots of trouble with te feds anyway and to be washed from the whole deal will be a Long process and besides what is all of this worth at the end .. Lots Of Money on ur part but those that had to buy it had to pay out the noise for it...

Keep it simple and don't make MJ Look Bad..
I grow for myself and will help other to start there inside grow like many has help me here..
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