I added vinegar to my soil?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2007
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But I was too high when I read the post that told me how much to use and added 3TBSP and 1 TSP (instead of 1/2 TSP per gallon of soil) of apple cider vinegar to my 5 gallons of soil. Is this going to make my soil too acidic? And if so should I flush it whith water?
Did you add the Vinegar directly to your soil??

I hope not.

You are suppose mix it with water, then water your plants with it.

you are using tap water, which is probably very high PH,
since you are not able to test it. 1/2 teaspoon of vinager per gallon
of water is safe mix.

IMO, i would get a 2 gallon water jug, add 1 teaspoon of vinegar,
and water your plant with it. Use it all, let the water drain.
You should be good.
which acid do they use in those commercial PH adjusting products?
I've found vinegar to only "temporarily" adjust ph.
Do a search onsite, for 'dolomite lime'..
1 tblsp per 1 gallon of medium...will serve as a ph buffer. It will keep your ph at/around neutrel (7.0) AND provides much desirable mg.
You then could use the vinegar to fine tune your watering/feeding ph if you like.
I added lime to the soil and the ph was still 7 high. so I added vin to bring it down. I will go flush it right now.

Yes I did add it directly to the soil........f@ck!

Lets see if I can fix this one?:eek:
Ok I just dumped about a gallon of water on the soil. I will do another here in a few minutes.
Alright I just went upstairs and watered again and to my surprise all of my leaves are up to where they should be for the most part. (They were wilting from a transplant). I poured another gallon on it and will let it rinse and hope that it continues to look better.

Thanks all of you who replied:cool:
5.5 is just about one full point "low" for soil..
I added lime to the soil and the ph was still 7 high.
.."7" isn't bad..
6.3-6.8 is usually considered "ideal"
You know what. I knew that, I copied and saved the Ph chart to my computer
Well it is now sitting at 6.7 as of this morning. And my leaves are not droopy from the transplant either. And I will be damned but I think it grew a little over night as well:D
:goodposting: Oh my gosh... I did a search for vinegar and pH and low and behold I came across the best post... or funniest... I'm not sure. I have been laughing today for the first time!!! Too funny. :D
I guess if there was such an adventure pouring vinegar straight from the bottle into the soil, I shouldn't have any problems pouring some into my cloner! LOL... Anyway, I got the information I needed!!! (I hope)...:watchplant::bolt:
You are really giving your plant the once over eh? Vinegar stinks too much. I use ph down, and it works fine.
just added .5 teaspoon of vinegar and 1gal of tap. Reason is that i have one of those ph/moisture/light controlores you stick in the ground and it showed a ph of 7, these past few days it seems the ph got higher bcs its just off the 7 (guessing.1 or .2) figure. That may be bcs my poor one at 4 wks of age got a serious potassium def and i treated (her hopefully) with wood ashes which worked great it seems. now treating with FF big bloom. Thelma is at 6 weeks and 1.5ft tall still in veg bcs waiting for other smaller ones to catch up (they are all aprox 4-6inches tall) and one to do one flower cycle for eveyrone.

QUESTION: I sometimes boil a large pot of water and with a lid on it and then bring the pot in the GR and lift the lid. I shut the outake off (about 70-77F usually) and let the temp rise to mid 80s and real moist in there for about 1hour. should i stop this? now sure why im doing it other than it provides some moisture)

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