Ztec Grow Journal As Of 04/05/08

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Yes it's around 6.0 - 6.5 at the moment. I'll check it right now again and post the results! Also if you look at the pics the leaves are kind of folding in half? if you catch my drift? I'll take a picture also and post.
I went and checked the plant with the worse symptoms ph and it came back at around 5.0 so I need to up that!! I think your suppose to use lime if I'm not mistaken. But I am gonna check the rest of the plants after this post. But here is a few pics of the buds on the plant that is also having the problem with the leaves (which i also included pics of)

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You need ph up to raise the ph. I think ammonia is a home ph up.
Alkaline buffer solutions

An alkaline buffer solution has a pH greater than 7. Alkaline buffer solutions are commonly made from a weak base and one of its salts.

A frequently used example is a mixture of ammonia solution and ammonium chloride solution. If these were mixed in equal molar proportions, the solution would have a pH of 9.25. Again, it doesn't matter what concentrations you choose as long as they are the same.
Found this here-hxxp://www.chemguide.co.uk/physical/acidbaseeqia/buffers.html
Found baking soda might raise PH also?? Correct???
I think baking soda will raise the ph but I'm not sure. Definitely make sure before you put it in your plants. Just my thoughts. Keep us posted my friend. Take care and be safe.
Some of the pistils are turning brown already. Signs of hermaphrodite??
No. A hermaphrodite grows male flowers. I wouldn't worry about it. There's still a bunch of new white hairs everywhere right? Post some pics. I'm sure they are fine. Keep us posted. Take care and be safe.
Here are some pics of the garden as of 04/26/08. The brown hairs are kind of coming out maybe its just that time in the plants life to start gettin brown hairs, but yea there are plenty of white hairs around as you can see. I'll keep ya posted.

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Another question should I be trimming some of these leaves off. All of the pots are pretty close and growing into eachother? Some of the leaves are kind of brown and cripsy? Just wondering if I should trim some leaves to open up bud sites or trim just sick leaves or not trim anything?
Hey y'all, just gonna post a few more pics, still waiting on a response about trimming leaves? If I should or not, if it's wise under CFL's and flouro's? Don't wanna shock my plants right now they are in the middle of budding and so far all look females! These were just random seeds so no clue whats in store. But I got pics of my plants labeled A, B, C, D which you can tell when it's a pic of new plant. Plant A is a short indica looking plant with multiple budding sites along the stem. Plant B is taller and hasn't even started budding yet but white pistils have finally arrived on the top. Plant C is one I have bent the top of to create the budding sites along the stem to reach out more and has worked well so far with multiple budding sites and growing very well. Plant D is another bent over plant but a lot taller then C and also more budding sites. But let me know what y'all think.










how long were they begging for? and how long do you think you will be flowering for?
I think I will be flowering for at least another month, they have been on 12/12 for about a month now. So far the four main plants that are budding are obviously females. I have 3 more smaller plants still waiting for sex to show up.
Cool, BUDS!! If your short on cash there is a 150w hps on ebay for 50 bucks. I just ordered one to add to my garden. Its not the best light but it could replace some of those lights you got right now. It has 15,000 lumens and is more efficient. But lookin good so far and glad to see you got some budage going on :)
I have been moving my plants around again. Trying to get my setup perfected. I took my flouro light and set that up on a shelf to keep it on 24/7 and am gonna convert 3 plants that were in the flowering room, that were to young to even show signs of sex, to the "veg/clone room" I got about 8 plants in there in different stages of their life. Still waiting on the funds for that 400 watt HPS but I promise you I will get it :hubba: Also bought one of those probes you stick into the soil and it gives you the Ph, N-P-K. But anyways got pics of that room and I saved 4 budding females to keep flowering in the "flower room". Here are some pics. Enjoy! :D ALSO UP FOR ANY SUGGESTIONS!!

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Me again, ha! But I checked my four budding females Ph, and Plant A was around 6.3, Plant B was around 5.8, Plant C was 6.2 and Plant D was 5.9. Do those levels sound alright for marijuana. I thought so but always up for suggestions! Thanks y'all!
Looking good so far. The more the light, the better though. Just my thoughts. Take care and be safe.
Today I made the decision to take down 3 plants because they were beginning to get curly dry leaves and I think the soil (which wasn't great soil kind of clumpy and didn't drain well) didn't dry up and began to get mold. I saved one plant because it didn't look to bad yet but showing same signs as others did. I trimmed the bud off of the plants and got 3 plates with each different plants bud. I ordered a 400 watt HPS so that will be on this plant if it survives (cross your fingers) otherwise got new seeds started and hopefully these turn out better. But I took some pics of the survivor and the bud I trimmed quick. I'll keep ya posted til the survivor's done.






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