Killuminati420 said:
i get up in there and kill them myself, i will hunt them between sprays. i use Avid and mite rid to spray, but if your really commited you can supposebly just use water. Spraying with water on the entire plant religously.
i wanna try some of what THG uses though...
Me too,i will spend hours after hours hunting then down by myself

i make sure i do not miss a spot,i find they lay most of there eggs along the leaf veins,so what i do is i roll the leafs so i squeeze the eggs up against the leaf veins without damaging the leaf itself,i find this works really well.
if i find the leaf has just got too many on,then i may decide too just remove that leaf,as i go i use a spray made up from a drop of dishsoap and fag butt and tobacco juices,this really works for me,better then all them bottles of crap they are trying to sell me.
i start with 1litre of water,then i add just a drop of dishsoap to it,then i add all the butts from all the ashtrays in the home,then i put in about 5g of golden virginia tobacco,and last a tiny little drop of i say,i dont get lazy i make sure i get every single leaf,i do this every single day untill they are gone,honestly i allways get rid of them completely.
i filter the mix before i use it & i let the mix stand for about 24 hours with all the butts and stuff soaking in it
but i do not grow and deal with a huge number of plants,i can only imagine how much fun that would be :doh: