Not sure when to harvest/ having spider mites

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It isn’t spider mites if you can see something white crawling in that video. Your soil looks wet. Fungus gnats like wet soil. I can’t see it on my iPhone but I have only seen spider mites on leaves.
It isn’t spider mites if you can see something white crawling in that video. Your soil looks wet. Fungus gnats like wet soil. I can’t see it on my iPhone but I have only seen spider mites on leaves.
I just watered them and their last water was 4 days ago. Idk what it could be and if it’s necessary for me to clean all of the plants after sucks it’s my first harvest and don’t wana do all that if I don’t have to
Most of us have smoked weed with bugs in it. Heck, there are even govt regulations on how many rat hairs, bugs and other contaminants are allowed in our food. Same thing for dispensary buds. My suggestion about washing the plants after harvest was merely an option. Any bud grown outside has contaminants on it. Unless you have a high end filtration system and wear a space suit when tending your crop, anything you grow will have contaminants in it. Even washing it won’t completely clean it. I wouldn’t worry too much about it. It sounds like fungus gnats to me. Probably came into your grow with the soil you have. Maybe try a different soil next grow. That is a crap shoot too. Soil varies from batch to batch. All you can do is try to minimize contaminants.
Hello hope everyone is having a wonderful grow experience today !! I’m having an issue in one of my tents I have 5 plants in there and 2 of them in the back seem to have white crawling things with legs I believe they are spider mites not too sure as it’s my first grow but I do live in New England . I used a pest Annihilator, nuke em, and dry zymes. I only seen a couple of webs not heavy jus couple hair webs . And I used the pest annihilator 15 mL per gallon root drenched about 1200 mL worth. Idk what to do at this point . It’s not heavily infested but I’m anxious in the back of each IPM says I can use upto the day of harvest ! Also I switched lights on July 13 when should I check for harvest ? Almost all my strains say 8-9 weeks of flower should I do 8 weeks since I’m having these pest troubles ? Thank you guys
You need to get some NEEM Oil. Rids the tiny black flies and the tiny white flies and is beneficial to the plant at the same time.
You need to get some NEEM Oil. Rids the tiny black flies and the tiny white flies and is beneficial to the plant at the same time.
The original poster was in flower. You do not want to spray neem oil during flower. It is also known to clog the stomata on the leaves which would not be beneficial to the plant. Fortunately this was from almost 3 months ago…
Others have indicated that you should be careful not the breathe in DE as it is like little razor blades in your lungs.
Better than spider mites! I mean aphids, not breathing in D.E.!

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