Yall have ruined me

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2009
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Since I've been reading these pages and looking at the bud pictures I have become a little more critical when I buy my grass. Its just Mexican swag but its whats available around here. Anyway now I notice the little things like how the buds are trimmed, how what I am buying does not even have those airy buds like I see yall having. Its all smushed flat from its trip from Mexico. I did get lucky and get some today that gives me a good buzz that I have not had in a while.

I've been buying stuff for my grow area and I anticipate making my first seed purchase in the middle of November. I know I should grow in the dirt first but I cant resist and I am going to make a DWC and try that.

Anyway, yall have ruined me. I came by this site by accident by the way. I forget what I was searching for but it wasnt grass-at least I didnt think so
TexasMonster said:
Since I've been reading these pages and looking at the bud pictures I have become a little more critical when I buy my grass...

...Anyway, yall have ruined me. I came by this site by accident by the way. I forget what I was searching for but it wasnt grass-at least I didnt think so

Hahahahahaa! That's great! Once you've grown your very first crop in DWC, you'll never buy street weed again!

Good for you!!!!

Spoil yourself!
Yep. Listen to Stoney. By this time next year you'll be a senior member of the "pot snob club." Once you taste your own very excellent harvest, it's all over. Schwag then has the appeal of of belly button lint.
that's too funny...

when I used to live down there, I would try to tell people about "real" weed...

they would respond by telling me that the weed down there was real weed.."look, it only has a fewseeds!", they'd say...

After a few times, I gave up, because I just looked like a braggart with no evidence to back up his claims....

just keep your head down, follow the advice, and .....

well, speaking from personal experience as someone who's gone from your part (and other parts) of the country back to San Francisco......

when you have your first pull, you will have absolutely no idea what the frig hit you...

Just typing this now and re-reading it, I would say not to spread the smoke around down there cuz good weed makes that stuff down there look like potting soil and people are likely to sweat it even more than usual, no what I mean?

just tryin to look out 4 ya...:)
cmd420 said:
people are likely to sweat it even more than usual, no what I mean?

just tryin to look out 4 ya...:)
Ah, I know eggzactly what ya mean. I dont smoke with anybody. A few family members know I smoke but none actally see me smoke anymore. It was different when I was younger, we all smoked. I am all Rednecked out anyway. Most people think I am just another country boy with a straw hat, a couple of horses, and some tractors. I like it this way.

I do appreciate you looking out for me though and please continue to do so. Thanks
"Most people think I am just another country boy with a straw hat, a couple of horses, and some tractors. I like it this way."

thats perfect, Tex
It is kinda like flying.
Your perfectly happy till you actually do fly first class.
Then you wonder why you didnt try before. And never want to go back.

Your sig says your interested in LowRyder grows. Thats great. Myself and a few others are into Autos as well.
With Autos. Your just as well off using dirt. You could grow these things in cement mix probably and get a great harvest. Just so simple.
Greetings from another Texan Lonestar.....
Just got my first order of seeds yesterday and I'm so excited..... I agree, this is a great forum with loads of info. and a good vibe.
Even if you can find better bud there is something special about smoking what you spent the time to grow right. For the most part what you can crank out with a little experience will be great. Most growers hold onto their crop except for commercial guys... but imagine giving individual care to over 200 plants!
Hahaha I know all too well about that crappy mexican dirt weed. Before long you'll be smoking the best stuff around. Cheers!
Yeah, the dirt weed was named appropriately. It really did taste like dirt!

So much powdered leaf was in each bag, that it simply infused into the bud. When you smoked it, you had to take a drink to wash down the dirt taste on your tongue! Gack!
im sure most would agree, starting in soil is not "easier".

People are intimidated by hydro, then realize how wrong they were when they finally try it.

1 DOWN 1000000'S TO GO Once you start growing your own, you have taken yourself out of the war on drugs. that is the only way to end it if we take the money out of it.
'sup TM - to give you an idea of what it'll be like a mate of mine has become so snobby about dirt weed he doesn't ever touch the stuff, he'd rather go without! He waits till some of his growing friends are ready to sell him a 'lil bit' and when he can't get any nice stuff he drives over to Amsterdam to pick up! G'luck mate.
ozzydiodude said:
1 DOWN 1000000'S TO GO Once you start growing your own, you have taken yourself out of the war on drugs. that is the only way to end it if we take the money out of it.

Yall are funny. Occasionally I run across some grass that has a good taste but it aint all that. Enjoying the taste goes a long ways with me. I am going to do DWC at first but I think I would like to get into NFT after a while. Who knows though, minds get changed from time to time I expect.

Yes, I am interested in a couple of LowRyder strains for inside. I am not stuck on them though. Several of yall have suggested Northern Lights and I know I want to grow that as well. Anything that does not grow into monster plants.

Well, I am gonna go outside and feed my narrow eyed yard walkers and burn a joint.
TexasMonster said:
Enjoying the taste goes a long ways with me.

Your like my mate and thats why he's 'convinced' me to grow the original UK cheese! Im dreading the smell but just luuuurve the end product!

Enjoy your walk..
LMAO...my nickname is picky *****...
hell no...people at work have no idea. except my best friend who goes on lunch breaks with me & she doesnt smoke..