Worst Information on Cannabis

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I was looking around for information of Wild Dagga. A Plant Completly diffrent from weed But i some how came acros this horrible site.

I read most of the thing in disgust about its false information.
First they repeataly use the term "dagga" to lable weed. in every single sentance.
They say that a "dagga" user is someone who wears Rasta Colors of Green yellow and red. I know alot of people who have rasta clothes and beeds and whove never smoked this so called "DAgga"
This page is just simply full of ****.

I found the only difference between that site and any other site listing the side affects of marijuana is that site is the only one so far Ive heard refer to what we call weed as "dagga".

Keep in mind while we call marijuana weed or pot people in other cultures would have totally different terms for it, and those other cultures would probably think that calling marijuana pot or weed is stupid. You must keep in mind that web page seems to be focusing on South Africa.
On a lighter note.... i never knew that a sure sign of a pothead was that your hands had to be covered with resin.:eek:
Insane said:
I found the only difference between that site and any other site listing the side affects of marijuana is that site is the only one so far Ive heard refer to what we call weed as "dagga".

Keep in mind while we call marijuana weed or pot people in other cultures would have totally different terms for it, and those other cultures would probably think that calling marijuana pot or weed is stupid. You must keep in mind that web page seems to be focusing on South Africa.

Your totaly right insane i just jumpt to conclusions after seeing the dagga part. I was clarified that wild dagga is called "wild" dagga cause it grows wild in south africa and has similar but much weaker than its friend "DAgga"
Yeah I was confused by the dagga part at first too then I noticed at the bottom of the main page was a picture of South Africa and where "wild Dagga" grows and all this crap. Although If have to say that this website seems a little biased, but its probably part of some stupid anti-drug campaign that I think should really be focusing on the more harmful drugs. (cocaine, crsytal meth, heroin ect ect)
who eva rote that ****** website has no clue i copyed n paste this.

The following physical signs can be an indication that an individual or individuals are using Dagga :

* Dagga seeds or pips lying around
* Dagga rests or dust found in pockets of clothing
* Broken bottles or bottle necks
* Rizzla machines and papers
* Unknown odours in home
* Incense burnt in rooms
* Eye drops or Lipice that is used extensively
* Empty bank bags
* Lotto or Tab tickets that was folded
* Rasta colours (red, green and yellow)
* Empty matchboxes
* Brown paper - packaging of "Sticks"
* Untidy lifestyle

that is plan **** man my room is tidy n **** i dont on any rasta cloths never used a match for smoking 1 taste like **** n 2 the match goes out broken bottles oh yer i 4got i love brakeing bottles when high. bull **** n who the hell puts chopped weed in dere pocket its a waste ull never get all tha weed out ur pocket whoz with me
the empty matches boxes are for "storing" little amounts, like a dime or so

you should read the whole article first.
my buddy used to sell bud in matchboxes. that way when he got pulled over by the cops he'd have a box full of matchboxes. only certain matchboxes contained weed so if the cop actually did open some of them it was less likey he would find the stash. When asked why he had a box full of matches my friend would always reply "Fire is my friend!" The only downside was that i think the matchbox would suck some of the moisture out of the bud.
K budbonic i did fully read da artical itz just i live in australia n i now about 20 people dat sell n i have never been given bud in a match box in my life we always get little satty baggies baggies i think america cas them n i thought the match box might of been for lighting i mean sserious u wouldnt u'z a match well u can but hey spoils da taste

thanks people for da info u'z rock hey 1 day when weeds leagle well get in a massive group ill fly to america well go out the front of the white house n smoke up peace

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