Will not fully flower?

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Are you lost
Dec 19, 2007
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ok i have a plant outdoors that has me stumped, so im about to make it a stump. this plant was started indoors about 4 months ago. due to its size it was put outdoors to flower. its a bagseed that appears to have alot of sativa in it so i figured it to have a long flower time. but this is crazy. its been outdoors for about 1 1/2 months and still it won't flower. its producin single leaves like its tryin to revert back to veg but its also puttin out pistils but just two at each bud site. the days have been short enought to start flowering in even my slowest sativa. but this plant just won't go into full bloom. whats the deal? heres a pic that you can't really see but i'll try to get more up shortly.. any ideas on this? if nothing else im gonna bring it in and flower indoors because at this rate it will never be able to finish before its to cold.

plants 007.jpg

plants 008.jpg

plants 009.jpg
I've seen this UP here before too Slowmo, seems that the longer flowering equatorial sativas just dont get the right start, outdoors

BTW, we have already seen frost on the mountain, and as late as may 28th we still had frost and that leaves no time for sativas like SnowWhite to veg outdoors, except in a greenhouse ;)
I have a plant doing exactly the same sitting in a pot outside my greenhouse.


The others are in flower but this one simply refuses to do anything.
its crazy. it looks like its tryin but thats as far as it gets. i figured when i put it outdoors it would do better but i guess is going back indoors as soon as i can make room for it.
I don't know. Might want to try and leave her out there a little longer. It looks like the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow. I don't know how long they've been like that, but thats what usually happens to mine as soon as they start to flower. Also the change in the weather, I don't know where you are, but its been up and down lately. Hot, then cold. rainy, then dry, its kinda weird right now. Might want to keep waiting. which is always the worst part
im in the south east U.S. it has started to flower but thats it. its been doin this for well over a month, i'll try to get some close up pics later of the bud sites. the yellow is due to me not feedin it as often as i should.
no, i live in north Ga in the mountains. i have another sativa thats always late to start but finishes pretty fast for a sativa and its about 2 weeks into full flowering and it was 2 weeks behind my other outdoor plants and it looks like this one is gonna be 2 weeks behind that one. just never had an outdoor plant wait this late to start.
If weather permits I say leave her,,is she in the ground? and if so are we not worried of stress when you dig her up? Looks healthy my friend..maybe just a 12 week or more flower time..thanks for shareing
ya she's in a 3 gallon pot so she can bo moved easily. im hopin the weather will hold out for her to finish. im thinkin im gonna keep her out as long as i can with out havin to worry about her gettin to cold. heres a few more pics that maybe you can see better what i mean.

the first pic is another outdoor plant i have thats around 6 feet or so. then the rest are of this slow plant. how it looks now is how its looked for the last month and a half be sides gettin taller it hasn't changed much at all.

also the leaves look yellow but its the sun shinin on them.




yeah im watching weather hear too...I found some mold on my Ladie but cutt it off...Could she be root bound..seeing shes in a 3 gallon container?..I know we grow in containers inside and I have one outside myself..20 gallon..But wonder inf the sun would make the roots grow faster in the container then lights..just thinking..Thanks for shareing with me..could she be a 12-16 weeek strain?..and maybe shes waiting for some food..
Its all those flash pictures your neighbors are taking of her at night.;)

Just kidding!

She is a nice looking lady hopefully she comes around for you!
i doubt she's root bound, she's only about 2 feet tall and i moved her from a 1 gallon when i put her outdoors. but i wouldn't rule it totaly out. as for food, she's been gettin it as of the few weeks pretty regularly so i hope thats not it. most likely just a long flowerin period strain from good ole mexican swag.
I recently did a Mazar outdoors in a 3 gal. pot, I also finished another Mazar indoors under a 600 watt setup...the outdoor plant had double the root ball that the indoor plant. Fortunately, she also had double the yield...mmm...Mazar. They both grew to about the same height...

Strange.. Never happened to me before so i dont know what to tell you. sorry..
im having major trouble getting my indoor to flower. I havn't gotten a chance to flush and it and put in my flouwer nutes, but its been on 12/12 for about a week and a half, and no signs of flower, I come back and its grown another 2 inches. Its about 2 1/2 ft tall.. I can't get this thing to stop!
i've grown several that takes every bit of two weeks to start then i've had others that start in the first week. i haven't checked this plant today so im hopein that when i check it it will have started flowering a little better.
yeah, the other two that I had showed sex signs almost immediately. Although, they were males. But, Ive had this one in flowering for about 9 days and still nothing... just more and more growth
they will sometimes double or triple when you change the lights. it will show before long im sure.. if my plant hadn't been the same for over a month i wouldn't worry but this is by far the longest flowerin plant i've ever had.

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