will lucky stay lucky

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will lucky stay lucky

  • will she survive

  • will she die

  • if she survives will she turn hermie

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Nice as always 4u. I like your model. Can she trim,lol? Is it raining up there? We're getting some.
ok, UKgirl, i admit i took the poll after reading the last page.

great job and continued good luck.:)
Looking good Uk. Such a nice tall plant! She is a lucky girl.
That plant is almost as lucky as 4U:) and to think.. He said it would hermie on ya!
Benny....she can trim..just wait till ya see my Mother plant..WOW!!! almost as Beautiful as she is..Ok she( My Little UKgirl ) stands 5 feet 3 and 1/2 inches..from the soil:giggle: take care and be safe:bolt::bong:
Howdy 4u. So, you wear lifts when you two are walking together? LMAO It was sure fun following along with you guys. Thank you for sharing the adventure with us.
4u2smoke... That's SUCH a beautiful plant! But UKG... What about Lucky? :cry: Any updates? I've been worried sick about her ever since you took your journey to the States...

heres lucky and she is standing at 9 ft something ,,,ill be back with correct mesurments :p

Don't know how i missed this one, Look out for that bug ukgirl.:p

9 foot 7 inches..and showing UKgirl nothing but..:heart:
awww how sweet but quit braggin....oh your talkin bout the plant:p
UKgirl420 said:
heres lucky and she is standing at 9 ft something...

OMG! Lucky is going to be just awesome when she's in full bud. You're going to have quite a time harvesting her!
Looking Awesome UK...I hope you liked "The Great Pacific Northwest"...that is Awesome as well:holysheep:
Lucky is gonna get cold out there, it must be getting cooler where she is. She looks so good tho.....humungus.....
well she is still looking good but theres no sign of any trichs yet ???

She's looking good,girl! Sativas can drive you crazy though. Hang in there.
420benny said:
She's looking good,girl! Sativas can drive you crazy though. Hang in there.

You say..."sativas can drive you crazy"
Do you mean, because of the long grow strain?
Lucky will be fine for UK...Full Green Mojo for UK;)

Be good and stay GREEN!!!!!
You are two funny....both of you.

Maybe you should build a green house around Lucky.

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