Super Silver Haze said:
good luck on getting the temps down w/o an AC but the higher cfm the better. you could always use a speed controller and reduce the speed during lights off to reduce the noise.
how close are the flower rooms? could you use a larger cfm fan and cool both rooms? i know nothing about running or linking multiple flower rooms but if your just exhausting the heat from the lights and the rooms are close then i don't see where there would be any problems.
how long you taking your Pre98 Bubba? I'm taking mine to 65 or 70 days and its very good meds.
Well, I'll have an A/C unit (24K BTU) that will cool the main growing are room that is between all the other rooms. It's the half of the "bedroom" that wasn't converted to flowering rooms.
One 500 CFM fan will pull the air from the two flowering rooms through a Can100 air filter and blow it out into the main room.
Each flowering room will have three 430 watt HPS cool tubes that are plumbed from the main room, through the lights and back into the main room again to be cooled by the 24K BTU A/C unit.
I'm hoping that by using a dedicated fan to pull through the lights and another dedicated fan to pull from the rooms and clean the air, that the combination of the two fans will provide enough cooling to the flowering rooms to keep them at their needed temps.
We'll be seeing soon. I have to space out the purchases right now. Low on money for now. Until I can do it right, I have to do it the old fashioned way by opening the doors during "lights on" and putting a fan in the doorway.
It'll get there. One piece at a time.
I'll be taking the P98BK to 70 days of flowering. It seems to max it out best for the pheno I have.
I just spent a few hours LSTing all the taller branches down so they are even across the entire canopy. I'm on day 3 of 70.