Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
My Service has ended. They have no rights to Mandate shit to me anymore. The fact that they do it anyway doesn't mean it's Constitutional nor right. Hence the fact his fking Mandates have been blocked by the court's Nation Wide.
Whats with the Boy thing problem? Are you black? If so im sure Pute wasnt saying it that way. And there is a BIG God Damn difference in Volunteering and being forced. Thats what the Draft was all about,,being forced to do shit you didnt want too. There is no Draft for the damn Vaccine.
Call me boy, call me an asshole, just dont call me in for another God Damn shot. :angiesfavorite:
By the way several of us here have served in the Military, that doesn't mean we jump thru our ass because some fking Politician said so.
As i said before. I Volunteered to take the job several yrs ago in the Federal Construction Field. I have to be badged and cleared to do so. I also had to take the damn shot, which i did. Had i not worked for the Government i wouldn't have taken the damn Vaccine because both me and my Wife have the Antibodies. Take the fking shot or dont. That should be an individual decision not one made by the asshole in the Whitehouse.
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My Service has ended. They have no rights to Mandate shit to me anymore. The fact that they do it anyway doesn't mean it's Constitutional nor right. Hence the fact his fking Mandates have been blocked by the court's Nation Wide.
Whats with the Boy thing problem? Are you black? If so im sure Pute wasnt saying it that way.
Call me boy, call me an *******, just dont call me in for another God Damn shot. 😁
Yes I am… and that term has been used to terrorize my ancestors… and before that goes down the path of “sensitivity” my great grandfather was one of the 4000+ blacks lynched… so it’s not a title i’ll accept esp after serving this country. My family had to relocate from Va bc my grandfather recognized the voice of one of the Klansmen, who in turn said “that Boy’s a liar… and if the lil n—- is not gone by sundown, they’d return to hang him like his daddy.” So naw… you can’t call me that.
Slow your roll with the race card bullshit my friend. Pute didnt know you were black. How the fk was he to know. And who gives a shit what color you are. And you have never fking been a slave nor have any of us ever owned a slave. Im am so sick of this race card shit i could scream. I was born dirt fking poor and got treated like shit in school when i was younger. My GrandParents picked cotton in California. So fking what. Get the fk over it. You got a problem with such minor bullshit and want to start the raciest shit you might want to move on. We have no room for that kinda of crap here. I live in a predominantly black and Hispanic neighborhood My wife is Mexican. So your race card shit isnt going to fly with me my friend.
If your feelings get hurt that easy you are definitely in the wrong forum.
So im guessing this Rooster is raciest. Please tell me your not part of the Woke crowd.

Boy, I had to look and see if I said that.....I sure did. But, If you think I was referring to some a racist term used 100 years ago....I guess if the shoe fits.

I was in the military as well....I didn't volunteer they drafted me. So, I was protecting your azz before you were a smile on your daddy's face.

As I remember you were making racist insinuations before. Little hint SON, nobody here talks racism here except you. That makes you the racist of the hour.

I just heard there is a new booster out.....better run and get it.
Yes I am… and that term has been used to terrorize my ancestors… and before that goes down the path of “sensitivity” my great grandfather was one of the 4000+ blacks lynched… so it’s not a title i’ll accept esp after serving this country. My family had to relocate from Va bc my grandfather recognized the voice of one of the Klansmen, who in turn said “that Boy’s a liar… and if the lil n—- is not gone by sundown, they’d return to hang him like his daddy.” So naw… you can’t call me that.
Just so you know. You are walking a fine line. We are not racists. I don't care what has happened in your past. Don't drag that racist shitt in here.
You are probably about to hit enter on you next post .....choose your words wisely. If you want to have a civil discussion please carry on. This is a friendly place and even though we have fun with each other we don't intentionally spread hate.
My neighbors love me and my Wife. Their kids grew up around my Mom and now thier kids grew up with my granddaughter and yes they are black. One of those kids my Mom use to make cakes for have now grown up and she comes over and smokes weed with my wife. None of them throw the Gad Damn race card around like it was a driver's license. What the hell does the word Boy have anything to do with our ass. I nor my ancestors hung any blacks. Total fking bullshit.
BLM and the KKK all the same bullshit, can kiss my white ass.

Just in case you need help with this. I dont see anything in the definition about a Black Man who picks cotton and was owned by white ppl.


  1. a male child or young man.
    "a four-year-old boy" ·
    male child · youngster · youth · lad · young man · young fellow ·
  2. used informally or lightheartedly to refer to a man.
    "the inspector was a local boy"
    man · fellow · gentleman · lad · youth · individual · person · soul · wight · carl
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Your wish is my command PSam. Total complete bullshit. Later Gator.
Hysterectomy, gonorrhea, AMF....gone like yesterday, gone like a freight train, gone like a soldier on the silver wall bang bang.

This thread has a way of separating the men from the boys.
I know many Vaxinated people and Many non vaxed people. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the people I know who took the shot or shots. Heck my parents took the shots, I didn't really care. I only choose to not take it because I had Covid, it was not pleasant but it also never killed me. I believe more in my immune system and I simply don't understand why more people don't.
When I had covid I thought to myself
" I have had the Flu so badly before that I seriously thought I was gonna die. I mean I literally couldn't get out of bed for days I was so sick. If I could make it through that...I can make it through this." and I did.
Make a vaccine that works and I will take it. A vaccine that does what a vaccine is meant to do. Don't lie to me, be truthful about it..many more people would probably take it, and they know that...so why are they lying???
What are they Hiding? Why are they still lying when I know know they know we really don't believe them???
All questions I need answers to before I would ever even THINK about taking this vaccine.
What I would really like to know....why the fk does Voice and others care....you took your hemlock....so leave us alone....Hopper you are now officially NASTY.....ME TO. I think I will go take a nasty dump. 💩 💩
I didn’t call either of you anything, not my style. I also was just answering the op. I didn’t respond to anything directly until i was called a boy. The facts are vaccines are not new, and we all make our own choices, do what’s best for you. That’s my “care”.
Stop it ....I like you if you like me. But, if you dislike me for whatever reason then I become a mirror of you. So your choice. Stay and be a part of us, you are welcome. All you have to do is get the chip off your shoulder. I don't believe in the vaccine ..... You do.....at the end of the day...so what.
I don't care about the fking vaccine. Let's just keep race out of it. That Vaccine doesn't give two shits what color we are and neither do we.
We are not not racist,,, we are old ass potheads. Most everyone of us are also veterans that severed right along side of our brothers who come in many colors. So let's just leave it at that and move on.
Now back to the subject. Fuck the Government for mandating shit they had no business mandating. Im a civilian now and I have a right to say what goes in my body without being told I will lose my job or be treated like shit and fired by a bunch of sheep running a business.
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