Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
y'all do know joe and his cronies are partners with the major drug companies and they've given them full amnesty for any damage the jab does...I've given all the fuckks I have to give...I'm done with this stupidity
Your now in the slow lane SAM.
I should have fking knew it. Already with the Liberal Political shit. Sam maybe this is not the place for you. Take that I hate DT bullshit somewhere else. Anyone that thinks this administration is better then the last has their head up their ass. I am an independent and could give two shits about the left or the right but I hate ignorance pushed by hate.
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Your Welcome. I fixed your post. Your a Staff member so i thought i would help you out and keep it in the PMs.
Here is the deal. If a thread pushes your buttons stay the fk off of it and do what you best on the thread that you like. That way its not a problem. I dont care who the fk you voted for just keep it to yourself or go to a PM with members who think like you.

And ive had the fking vaccine. I took the J&J because im a Federal Contractor. Other wise i wouldnt have taken the stupid fking shot.
Agreed for damn sure. I love my Country and hate mother fkers that talk shit about my great Country. What pisses me off is some ppl vote based on the legalization of weed. That is a stupidest reason to vote for someone i have ever heard. Screw the Country and our soldiers and police but let's make sure we have weed legal where the damn government has even more control..

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