Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
Agreed for damn sure. I love my Country and hate mother fkers that talk shit about my great Country. What pisses me off is some ppl vote based on the legalization of weed. That is a stupidest reason to vote for someone i have ever heard. Screw the Country and our soldiers and police but let's make sure we have weed legal where the damn government has even more control..
I agree
When I joined to serve this country, they injected both sides. For 9 years+ reserve time, I’ve gobbled down MRE’s stored in a bunker for God knows how long. Am I sheep for taking one more injection, considering i was mandated by the state to get injections under my skin to check for TB for 25 yrs. So i ask anyone in this room… at this point…. If they want to kill you, haven’t they already had plenty of “shots” at the title.

you figure out what you you should do to keep others safe. If you object, get tested, wash your nasty hands (ever been to an arena bathroom?) stop coughing on ppl to prove a point, and keep your SPIT and BAD BREATH to yourself…. That’s common sense. Not politics. Some ppl think it’s their right to be NASTY.
Voice I take it that you've had all of your shots including your boosters. That's good now make damn sure you wear your mask and keep the f*** 6 ft away from me. Be a good boy. Make sure you get the next booster when it comes out and the one after and the one after and the one after make sure you're a good boy. We don't want you to be nasty
Yep. Had the same shots in the Military but i Volunteered to join the Army so i took whatever i had to. There is a big difference in Volunteering and being Mandated as a civilian by a moron in the Government.
I am a Federal Contractor by choice, so I had to take the fking Vaccine because of the Mandate. What pisses me off is i have already had the Covid and have the Antibodies. Going in the Military is a Choice,, Mandates are not giving you a choice. Again thats a big difference. I took the shot to keep my job, other wise i would have told them to shove it up their ass. And why the fk is ppl who have had the vaccine worried about ppl who didnt. Either the fking vaccine works or it doesnt. WHICH THE FK IS IT.
How many more shots do you fking need? OH yeah,,,make sure you wear two masks after you get the shot.:mad:
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Im already starting to change. See what that damn shot is doing to me. 😂 😂 😂 😂
I got into a mild argument with my SIL two days ago. My brother and her were talking about the jab, and I mentioned all the heart attacks and other problems that have been associated with it. Her reply was, "That's still no excuse for you not to be vaccinated." My reply? "Last time I looked, this was still the United States of America, and I NEED no excuse not to be vaccinated. The mere fact that I choose not to is sufficient."
You want to get jabbed? Get jabbed. Want to wear a mask? Wear a mask. Don't tell me that I have to just to keep you happy.
I got into a mild argument with my SIL two days ago. My brother and her were talking about the jab, and I mentioned all the heart attacks and other problems that have been associated with it. Her reply was, "That's still no excuse for you not to be vaccinated." My reply? "Last time I looked, this was still the United States of America, and I NEED no excuse not to be vaccinated. The mere fact that I choose not to is sufficient."
You want to get jabbed? Get jabbed. Want to wear a mask? Wear a mask. Don't tell me that I have to just to keep you happy.
Funny you mention this
My Niece's Husband just had a mild heart attack and now is in hospital recovering from 2 mech/valves replacement , He came off vent but had to be put back on , maybe later today he can come off.
Voice I take it that you've had all of your shots including your boosters. That's good now make damn sure you wear your mask and keep the f*** 6 ft away from me. Be a good boy. Make sure you get the next booster when it comes out and the one after and the one after and the one after make sure you're a good boy. We don't want you to be nasty
You’re sure comfortable slinging that “boy” thing; I’m a grown ass man that served so you can call me names other than my own…but beside that, when you volunteer for the Military, your MANDATES begin, not end. There’s no difference between volunteering to give away your rights and them being taken by force… with the end result being you “comply”. I don’t particularly care that you want me to “stay away from you” but my sacrifices were so you can talk shit freely to those that defend your right to do so. You’re welcome.

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