Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters

The total population of the five aforementioned countries is 55 million.
The median age in Africa is 19 the median age in Haiti is 24.
People in those age groups have a very high survival rate against Covid.
Brother if I could afford to retire I would have already done it. I make a very good living. I can't touch this money anywhere else. You guys know I would never take a God damn shot if I didn't have too. I have always taken care of my family and have done some dangerous shit to do so,,, including working over two hundred feet in the air without a safety line. I will not let this prick cause me to lose my income. I work around many many ppl who have got the J&J vaccine and they are fine and so will I be.
A man does what he has too. If I just took the fking shot because I like being a Sheep,, then that would be different. Never liked following,, always like leading. This is not a following deal,, this is a keeping my fking job deal.

This is not targeted at you personally....It's for the whole herd of sheep which is controlled by the 1%.

Don't forget the Booster Shot, and the Micro Chip implant to follow suit next. Think I'm kidding? They got you all to take the Vaxxine. That was there plan. They won. Now get on your knees for the rest of your life,. Because You lost and in turn sold out your children and grand children. I'm not joking, I'm very serious. They used this as stepping stone or building block to see where they can go next with the herd. Sky's the limit now. Next they will come to take your guns, and your constitutional rights. The government and the lame stream news media are not your friends, because they are owned by the 1%, which in turn own the game.
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Yep Now I hear tell that the DNA in the shots has altered anyone who took them so that they will all need at least yearly vaccine booster to avoid any type of illnesses from now on. It leaves the body defenseless to any foreign invader without yearly boosts. They know what they do...............................
Yep Now I hear tell that the DNA in the shots has altered anyone who took them so that they will all need at least yearly vaccine booster to avoid any type of illnesses from now on. It leaves the body defenseless to any foreign invader without yearly boosts. They know what they do...............................

Yes In what I have read, it's worse. Supposedly it slowly destroys your white blood cell count, thus causing internal organs to stop functioning.
Im glad your not calling me a sheep because it would be total complete bullshit. Im also not into Conspiracy theory crap. Im a show me kind of guy. Thats why i dont believe in a GOD and all that religious crap.
I dont like anyone telling me that i have to get a fking shot i dont want. As for Vaccines, they are all dangerous just like 99% of all meds. Just listen to the fking commercials that advertise meds. The shit that the Medicine can do you is disgusting and dangerous but sometimes you have to take them to stay alive. Im on heart meds with all kinds of bad side effects that are possible but i have not had any side effects except im still alive. lol
I would never get the God Damn shot if i didnt have too. And im not losing my fking job over a shot. There are plenty members on here that have got the vaccine and not one of them are sick. I work around hundreds of ppl that have got the shot and not one mother fker is sick. Im against the shot because nobody should forced to take it. Im pissed but i will do what i have to do to feed my family. My decision is made on logic and finances, not Conspiracy crap.
By the way, why do they need a micro chip. They know every god damn move you make from your phone and electronics not to mention SOCIAL MEDIA.
Besides. Hundreds of thousands of ppl get the Flu Shot every year and have for many yrs. Why not use that shot for this fking micro chip you speak of. Maybe your dentist is in on this shit too,,right?
Im against anyone getting the Vaccine that doesn't want it. You have a right to make that decision for yourself and nobody should tell you different. Fuck that piece of shit responsible for this crap.
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Im glad your not calling me a sheep because it would be total complete bullshit. Im also not into Conspiracy theory crap. Im a show me kind of guy. Thats why i dont believe in a GOD and all that religious crap.
I dont like anyone telling me that i have to get a fking shot i dont want. As for Vaccines, they are all dangerous just like 99% of all meds. Just listen to the fking commercials that advertise meds. The shit that the Medicine can do you is disgusting and dangerous but sometimes you have to take them to stay alive. Im on heart meds with all kinds of bad side effects that are possible but i have not had any side effects except im still alive. lol
I would never get the God Damn shot if i didnt have too. And im not losing my fking job over a shot. There are plenty members on here that have got the vaccine and not one of them are sick. I work around hundreds of ppl that have got the shot and not one mother fker is sick. Im against the shot because nobody should forced to take it. Im pissed but i will do what i have to do to feed my family. My decision is made on logic and finances, not Conspiracy crap.
By the way, why do they need a micro chip. They know every god damn move you make from your phone and electronics not to mention SOCIAL MEDIA.
Besides. Hundreds of thousands of ppl get the Flu Shot every year and have for many yrs. Why not use that shot for this fking micro chip you speak of. Maybe your dentist is in on this shit too,,right?

Easy brother.... It's too early to predict, nobody is sick at the moment, or perhaps the lamestream media and our rotten government agencys aren't telling us the whole truth about the side effects. I'm sure there will be side effects down the road, like anything else. I had covid and survived. I won't be taking those lethal injections anytime soon. As I don't trust our controlled media or our much corrupted government, left or right. There is an agenda behind this, because my Spidey senses are tingling. I don't trust Bill Gates and Fauci, there Rats to say the least.
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I have also had the Covid, And lets hope that isnt true brother because everybody here could loose friends and family members.
And I am an Independent. Not Republican or Democrat.
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Weedhopper , you are in my thoughts and prayers

there are several in my immediate family who took the jab.......granddaughter is a senior in college with a Geology major and could not go back to school without a jab

same with two grandsons at the University of Oklahoma , no jab no school and no refund on tuition

one of my sons took the jab to keep his $100,000+ a year job as a VP at a very large company that makes and sells medical devices

my other son builds airplanes for Raytheon and has been threatened to be fired if he does not get the jab by December.....he is looking for another job right now because he won’t get the jab...he has four kids too m no jabs for them

so yeah , my heart goes out to everyone who has been forced into make ing a horrible decision which is just plain criminal
Bill Gates and Fauci do not have our backs. They have other Agendas. Bill Gates Dad slept with the Banking Corporations, Google it. This will lead you to what Bill Gates is actually, a worker for the dark side. I have done some homework on Bill Gates Dad. He was another piece of shit too. He since died a year or 2 years ago I believe. Good Riddance!
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