Actually that's normal for Big. 

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^^^^This guy just got the shot.....caught him running down the Red Light District of Denver looking to sell his body to the highest bidder.......Thinking the shot gave him Mad Cow...
Thats the plan , release the virus and the conservatives won't take their poison . and by not doing the shots they will dieJust saw on Fox that most conservative adult males will not take the vaccine. I don't feel so lonely now.....
I used to be a short focker and as I have gotten old I am still a short focker. Who knew.
You call what you do here staying out of trouble? BwahahahahaThis keeps me out of trouble
Most times
My darling bride of -- Lo!! -- these last 61 years hates weed. She would accept "Reefer Madness" as a documentary, or at the very least a moral story.
Until the day before yesterday.
I showed her the University of Chicago Medical release showing CBD stops WuFlu cold.
Not sativa or whatever they call -- oh, yeah... THC. She would never toke under any circumstances, but when I showed her CBD does not make you "high", and only CBD stops WuFlu...
And then Puck, my son, calls up to tell her he got her a $10 bottle of the stuff and it is mango-flavored.
She smiled.
I fainted and soiled my armor.
It gets even better. When he added that she could just add a few drops to a glass of orange juice or something, and she would not even taste it -- she totally accepted use.
She knows it will make her sleepy, but she isn't going to take any unless she comes down with Fauci Flu.
I just read an article that mentioned the fact that everybody that took the first batch of smallpox shots back in 1789 are now dead. Makes ya think, huh?![]()