The Original Old Farts Club

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Both her mom and dads side have a long history of that shizzle. My parents bought a nursing home policy back in 84, and dad who was all about the money had it figured that he was going to be making 5 bucks a month if they went there. Then by the time it was done he never got to go, as they were moving everything in there, he checked on out. Too bad because he was still sharp as a tack. Slipped and fell and cracked his noggin and was gone with in that month.
Sorry Brother
My Mom had a stroke fell hit head on bathroom sink and that was her demise also.
Enough Sadness
Where the white women
Stifflers Mom
Good morning all ... dry out day here ...5.5" and 30.5" on the year. No storm damage, as we were many were not. Sad day after loss of life and property.

Warm temps have most of the trees budding here...grass will need mowing by next week. In the Delta the soil is very fertile, and they are already mowing there.

Shot from a DJi drone...that is a load of gasoline headed North form refineries down this way. They only go single wide and 3 deep max on fuel barge South of the bridge.... grain elevator on right and one of the 400' towers they span the river with electrical wires. Those towers are the highest thing around lol.

We good, as the storms would get to us they would spilt and go around us, but did get bad. One local town got hit hard. Mississippi got hit hard and had a earth quack in the middle of the tornadoes. @BudSniffer good to hear yall are safe, now @nessa420-1 , @country boy and @yarddog need to check in.
Doing battle with the kitchen sink. Got a new one to replace the new one that cost me $120 to get installed. Damned thing sounded like a jack hammer running, so it had to go back. Old Hen has made three trips to Menard's, chasing pieces and parts. Last one was my fault. I cut the cold side flex line too short. Damn.
Back is NOT happy with me.
Faucet is working like it should have the first time, supply lines hooked up and not dripping so far, and the drain pipe I knocked off is back on and (fingers crossed) not leaking. Put newspapers on the bottom of the cabinet, so we'll see if it's gonna be good or mean.

Did I mention I hate plumbing?
Well Shit, this weekend didn't turn out as I was expecting, we lost power at about 6pm last night. It came back on at about 2 pm earlier. Damn I lost a lot of my weekend because of that. I hate losing power, especially due to my garden. Oh well...I guess another week is upon us.

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