So all you old retarded bastards are below 95%.

When I got the top quarter of my right lung hacked out, I got up to take a walk around the ward so they wouldn't give me the belly shot for blood clots. Nurse just happened to be there after I made it out of the room and went with me. I made it half way around when she told me to take the nurse's station short cut. She asked me if I was comfortable with walking without a mask. I said sure! When we got back to the room, she informed me that starting out, my O2 level was 95 and had dropped to 89 while walking. After taking off the mask, it went up to 97.A normal blood oxygen saturation level is in the range of 95โ100%12. Oxygen saturation levels below 95% are considered abnormal, and the brain may be affected when SpO2 levels drop below 80 to 85 percent2. A reading of 91โ94% is considered borderline and requires medical attention1. A healthy blood oxygen level varies between 75 and 100 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg)3. A saturation level of 90% is usually considered the point where your oxygen saturation is dangerously low and you should get immediate medical attention4.
The above is what they tell us. Anything under 90 is bad and a doctor should address this, with covid the lungs are affected and oxygen absorption will be affected, how badly is up to the shape your lungs and body are in.
If I had covid and my O2 lvls fell below 90 I would be in touch at least with my Doc.
O2 levels can also change while sitting around and exercising.
They should go up with exertion . But not allows/
85 same as my iq.So all you old retarded bastards are below 95%.
That would make ya a professor in Texas!85 same as my iq.
Wear a gun and ride a horse.That would make ya a professor in Texas!
Children now get Alzheimer's and have heart attacks. Since the introduction of mRNA.Injecting a needle filled with toxins/ poisons into your blood, to yourself or your children, is now the equivalent to
attempted suicide/child abuse or murder.
November 6, 2023.
Dont look at meGot some! Nobody wants it though.....