Who all is taking the Covid19 Vax?

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Who is for taking the vaccine

  • yes

    Votes: 33 29.7%
  • no

    Votes: 78 70.3%

  • Total voters
I hear ya man. I used to have whale lungs. Lately, ol bongita chokes me to death. I just don't like bowls. They make my mouth hot. You know what I used to love? My hitter box! Time for some internet commerce!!
That is what I use. Used to pass joints now mostly smoke alone. My hitter let's the taste and flavor come out. After the first couple of hits a joint taste's like azz to me. Bong Burns down deep.
That is what I use. Used to pass joints now mostly smoke alone. My hitter let's the taste and flavor come out. After the first couple of hits a joint taste's like azz to me. Bong Burns down deep.
👍 The only good hit of a joint is the first one. A hitter is the first hit over and over. I'm a loner stoner too. Joints are better in a circle. I still roll on up sometimes to burn while me and the girls are outside.
Interesting Albert Pike the Confederate General and Grand Master 33rd Degree Mason predicted this mess. Pike is the only Confederate to this day to still have his statue in Washington DC ... in the mid late 1800s he predicted 3 future World Wars

How far back does Masonry go back and what powerful group is its' base?

spunom, I'm of standing that the cure to cancers has been found, along with other diseases but there is a phenomenal human trait of greed that prevents that knowledge from surfacing.
The greed of the few with an insatiable lust for power is what keeps the world in a constant state of turmoil. Especially now...

24 hour news, social media, and frequent updates have all opened the floodgates to keep most of the population fighting amongst themselves and valuing their existence on the amount of likes they get or keeping up with the Joneses or standing up for/against the current needy/hated.

The ones that have the world as their chess board have learned how to use all of it to keep the livestock from tearing down the fence.

I started looking at the Free Masons roundabout the end 2000. Long story short... opinions of their dogma are split.

Somewhere, someone(s), have documentation of what they believed their purpose to be. Like wise people, they are holding them devoted-monk-style. I'd love to get a peek. Being as I won't..

I believe that they believed that thru freedom and community - not driven by what could be gained, but shared - a nation of people could make the world a better place. Later generations in their ranks lost sight of the intention and only saw the means to wealth and power and poisoned the whole.

The powers that be keep us fighting and dying while they hold everything that can used to stop it tight against their chests. I do believe that the ability to cure many of the plagues that inflict the human race exist. They just don't care to waste them on the pawns.
Why can't we all just act like adults and get along. We should never let our views cause us not to be brothers and sisters. This world would be fked if we all were exactly the same.
I myself am sick of it. Ppl fighting like children and acting like morons.

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