Nice Bizzy. Check yor PH's bro. They lookin a little crispy on a few leaves there. Catch that before it get's worse. Other then that they are lookin like some gems man. Awsome.
hey bizzy, i think the crispy leaves are ok. my white widow from last year showed the same burnt crispy leaves on 3 of 4 plants. my ph was checked daily and within good range. even the clones from those crispy leaved plants were the same way. the one plant never showed any of those, and turned out to be my mom. i think the crispy leaves was a generic thing in my case. maybe its normal for ww to do that.
damn right they grow faster .youl get better tasting bud outside because is pure air but you can get better bud inside more easy to maintance ,who the hell wonts to go outside everyday .