White Russian -2 Weeks into Flower- *Weekly Photo Updates

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Man bro...I haven't looked in here for a couple minutes...sorry about the hermies! Please add them to the hermi tracker thread so that others will know! Because I know you have done everything in your power to make this a stress free grow, I think this one can be, and should be blamed on genetics.

Youve done above and beyond what I could have ever dreamed of for my first attempt at indoor growing...and with the brains you have Tact...I see you going along way in this hobby...amybe even writing a book in the future...lol

You've done a stellar job man...really impressive! Don't forget to kill corrisponding clones to the he/shes...I'm certain you labeled them...as thorough as you are!
Sorry about the cross-dresser Tact. Keep us updated and best of luck on the others.
I've never seen White Russian in person. Do the buds stay white after you cure them?

Beautiful pictures. One is my new desktop background iffin thats ok with ya.
this thread inspired me to get some russian on the go but i've fried my seedlings, 70 rips down the pan, sorry bout the trannys tact but those other sweet buds should just about make up for it
Thanks Tact!! You got one nice garden going. Keep up the posts!

It's 34 min til Thursday... I hope yer gettin' the update together!:holysheep:
It is thursday here...I believe we are in the same time zone.....I need some porn! (Thanks for pointing that out DOS!)
Update incoming, t-minus 0100:when I wake up hours.
Hey all, thanks for stopping in new people!

Went ahead and fed them today, continued with the 80% feeding strength @ the light feeding schedule amounts. Ran out of a couple of the nutrients for this nutrient schedule (Organic B, Sensizym) and this grow is going for at least 9 weeks total, 2 more weeks. So I may or may not feed them one more time before giving them only water. Though I remember a few (LF/Chef?) saying I don't have to stop feeding early if I am using organic. In this case, I ran out of those nutes so, going to give them only water for the last 14 days or so. Though I could continue to feed it would be missing the above nutes.

The first couple of pics are how I prepare the water, two 5-gallon buckets, one bucket waters all the flowering plants with 8 cups of water once, the second bucket makes it 16 cups per plant, a gallon per five-gallon plant. Inbetween the first watering of the flowering plants, I then water the clones, this give my flowering plants time to absorb water (20m) before giving them their second bucket of water. In my case, pruning the bottom branches of my flowering room was a big benefit, it allows me to get my clumsy pitcher in between the plants and water them without having to lug them all out, which I did last week. This the 'coasting' mode for watering the plants, last week I hauled them out because I had to check for potential bugs (none seen so far) after finding a single bug prior.

I X-planted one of the clones when watering them, now all 5 clones are in 2-gallon buckets which will be xplanted to 5-gallons when the flowering room is completed in 2 weeks, then they will be put in the flowering room. I topped them all again to experiment and see what exactly happens. Can 4 branches come up, or maybe I can just make them into super bushes and they will have a ton more lateral-room since the last grow had 13 plants jammed together like Tetris compared to the 5 clones once they get flowering. That will be their second topping in 3 weeks.

The flowers are getting large, I tried to capture a few macro shots but failed, I need a tripod or the famous Eyeclops, which I ordered from Amazon a bit ago but then got an e-mail saying it was backordered.

Thanks again for checking in, and to those who got WR beans, great so far man. They seem to root fast and prefer bigger buckets, take it easy on the nutes before you start confusing yourself with toxicity vs. deficiency.

And finally, my table pc does not auto-spell check on these forums for some reason, so ignore the typos.


week 7 water.jpg

week 7 water 2.jpg

week 7 clone-xplant.jpg

week 7 cleanup.jpg

week 7 clones.jpg

week 7 hps.jpg

week 7 bud1.jpg

week 7 bud2.jpg

week 7 bud3.jpg

week 7 bud4.jpg

week 7 bud5.jpg

Hey Tact, looking real nice :hubba:

How tall are the ones in flower? kinda looka as tall as a 5gal bucket?

Your new ladies are looking real green and happy was well :)
I got word from Subcool that these may be Root Aphids.

Yikes just went in and at the base of one of the plants these were crawling near the base where the root-plug the plants germinated in hits the soil. There is aloooooot of them. I can not get them to spring, which concerns me. I will move forward with getting some diamat. earth as per Subcool's suggestion.
Used some dia. earth.

We will see. - as per Subcool rec. (much appreciated)

good luck man... nugs are lookin top notch :) you should try to get some close up shots next time :ccc:
chuckdee123 said:
good luck man... nugs are lookin top notch :) you should try to get some close up shots next time :ccc:

Will do chuck.

Let me just say that today I mixed up the soil under the DE a bit, and proceeded to watch the bugs walk over the DE like it was sand on the beach. Razor blade katanas of instant death? Not in this case, maybe it takes a little bit to dessicate or... I don't know, either way they are mostly under the soil by the root system. After some extensive dialogue with Jman via pm who is a bit of a root aphid (phylloxera) expert, I came to the conclusion that I will try to azamax them.

I ordered some azzamax a few minutes ago and will drench the ladies as directed when it arrives which I am guessing will be 5-6 days since I last watered, maybe longer. I have 12 plants in 5-gallon pots, and bought 4 oz. of azamax, should be enough for one drench each, maybe two.

I will update when the azzamax arrives and give it a whirl.
Sweet Lookin' buds, bro...:aok:

chuckdee123 said:
good luck man... nugs are lookin top notch :) you should try to get some close up shots next time :ccc:



:holysheep: BUY a TRIPOD!!! :holysheep:



:hubba: $15: :hubba:

Looking good bud...Had to stop in and see your sexy ladies. I used the DE on fungus gnats, and it worked great, but I have not had an experience with Root Aphids (knock on wood)...That Azamax is supposed to be good chit man! Good Luck with the slaughter!
Tact, awesome man!!! nice buds...i love stuff like this. Good Job...Loola

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