some information for you to use to make an educated decision.
The Cannabis Grow Bible - by Greg Green
"... Drying bud helps relax THC particles...
... Bud that is cured well smokes the best using a 3 - 4 week canning process...
...Curing breaks down chlorophyll which has Magnesium-containg green pigments. Magnesium is responsible for that sharp and harsh taste in the back of your throat..."
The Cannabible 2 - by Jason King
"...properly cured herb will have a multitude of luscious aromas, many of which words cannot describe..."
Grow Great marijuana - by Logan Edwards
"...the entire drying process should take place over 1 - 2 weeks...
...if buds are dried to quickly, the flavor of the herb will become harsh...
...the drying of your harvest should be a slow steady process...'re trying to protect moisture from evaporation. this moisture will use the air in the jar to form aerobic bacteriathat will convert (eat) the chlorophyll and cure your buds..."
The Good Bud Guide - by Albie
...speed drying is reckless...