Man! You guys and gals are rough!!!!!!
As Hick said, you may be giving the plant too much nitrogen or the nitrogen salts may have built up in it's soil. Try stopping the nutes for a few days, do a flush on the plant and see if it's flowering increases any. If so, then adjust your nitrogen down some.
Here's something you may not know. Some strains "see" light more than others. If you have your plant on a 12/12 schedule and one day after the light has been off for two hours, you open the door or walk in with a flashlight. The plant "sees" that day as a 14 hour light day. It won't "see" any of the darkness between the lights going off and you opening the door.
Tell ya what you can try man. Keep the plant in total, and I do mean TOTAL darkness on a 14/10 schedule.
Take the top of the plant and bring it over in a loop GENTLY, a little each day until after a week or so, you have the top near the base level of the plant or as close as you can WITHOUT breaking it. Just do a little each day.
After three weeks of 14/10, if you don't notice a radical increase in flowers, then pick it, dry it, and make some oil from it. It may be one genetically weirded out plant and never produce, but I'd try what I've suggested first. If it does start flowering a lot, then just do as you would any female plant and watch the flowers.
Tell the plant we're all sorry we called it the ugliest plant in the universe. I know there must be at least one other. Hahahahahaahaha.
Let me know if what I said works if you would. Thanks man.