what kind of soil??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2009
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getting ready for next grow and was curiouse about whats a good but cheap soil to use? cause i grew in soil from outside last time and it worked alrite but not good enough
I use Miracle Grow Seed Starting mix...they sell it at Home Depot and Lowes...it has no time release nutrients in it....
MindzEyek, with peatmoss having a Ph in the range of 3.5-4.5, what is the PH of your soil mix when you finish mixing it?
Not good to use "soil from outside" since, just for starters, unless you sterilise it, there will be a host of organisms, some decidedly inimical. Like worms and root pests.
I use a locally made coco mix that is mainly coco coir, with a good bit of pearlite, biochar, slow release nutes, and crumbled brick. It gives excellent results. Lighter than soil, cleaner, can't overwater, holds a lot of water, can be used as a hydro medium e.g. the Wilma system.
Sunshine Soil #2 and fox farm perlite. I am also using Pro-mix in some cases.

The sunshine #2 is plain soil with no fertilizers in it.
Pro mix is my choice. It's a soiless mix so if you want any nutes in it you need to add them. I usually give it a dose of bat guano and bone and blood meal are also very good.
Just switched from FF Ocean Forest to Organicare Pure Earth "Aeration" formula. I'll let you know how the coco coir works with my lazy man's stylings.
gourmet said:
MindzEyek, with peatmoss having a Ph in the range of 3.5-4.5, what is the PH of your soil mix when you finish mixing it?

I think the 1/4 cup of dolomite lime would adjust the pH to nuetral.

I use FFOF mixed with FFLW, it's great soil, and I usualy don't need to add veg nutes for the first month or so after planting in this mix.
legalize_freedom said:
I think the 1/4 cup of dolomite lime would adjust the pH to nuetral.

I use FFOF mixed with FFLW, it's great soil, and I usualy don't need to add veg nutes for the first month or so after planting in this mix.

FF soil is great! I use it on my mothers, I add one tsp of dolomite lime per gallon to it. Its kinda pricey though. If I were to use soil in a larger scale I would be making my own mix...
I priced makeing my own, and it's really not that much higher to use the FF soil. I get it for like 15-18 bucks a bag usually. by the time I bought all the amendments that are in the FF soil...all the castings blood meal, bone meal, fish emulsion etc...I don't think I could make their soil for what I can buy it for. I could make a soil cheaper...but not of the same quality. I've also found a way to get 2 grows out of the same soil by using a box of the FF "peace of mind" tomato and vegetable soluble fert. All I do is shake all the soil off of my roots after the harvest, flush it with copius amounts of water, and add a box of the "peace of mind" soluble fert to the old soil...it works like it was fresh out of the bag. I don't have to use any veg nutes for 3 to 4 weeks, because everything is in that box of solubles. I have only tried re-using once and then it goes to my garden...but it does save me a few bucks.
I wouldnt try to duplicate the FF soil, that peat moss mix I listed above works great, all it has is Micro nutrients so you have to start feeding sooner.. I can make 40 gallons of soil for $25..

Dont get me wrong FF makes some good stuff, smaller grows and mothers are great for FF soil, to fill 18 5 gallon buckets it would cost a lot...
MindzEye said:
You can make seed starting mix and its cheaper... Ive been posting this mix for a while it works well...

3 gallons peat moss

1 gallon pearlite

1 gallon vermiculite

1/4 cup dolomite lime

1/4 cup epsom salts...

other then the epsom salts.. reminds me of pro mix bx mix.....
thanx for the info..
MindzEye said:
I wouldnt try to duplicate the FF soil, that peat moss mix I listed above works great, all it has is Micro nutrients so you have to start feeding sooner.. I can make 40 gallons of soil for $25..

Dont get me wrong FF makes some good stuff, smaller grows and mothers are great for FF soil, to fill 18 5 gallon buckets it would cost a lot...

I was in same boat. FF looks great but needing 120gal of soil, little much $ wise. To be honest I have found, at least here in WA. There are many local nurserys that make their own super soil. They will tell you whats in it. Try a sample, they will give you one. If you like it, work out a deal with them, if needed by a pallet. I kinda like supporting some local farmer thats been tending his land in the community for years.
other then the epsom salts.. reminds me of pro mix bx mix.....
thanx for the info..

Its the same thing, promix, sunshine mix and many more... Its just a standard Peat based mix..
I use a 30/70 mix of Fox farm ocean Forrest/Fox farm light warrior and I always have great results. It may be a little pricey to have it shipped to you though, so try and find a shop near you that might sell it. I have to drive about an hour to get mine but its well worth it. Spend a little extra on some good soil and you wont be disappointed trust me! Its one of the most important parts of having a successful grow! Good luck!
Hey Nouvel I thought about checking out som of the local greenhouses this spring when they open up just to see what they carry...I too believe in supporting the local business...I hate wal-mart, home-depot...and the lot of them. I'm really wanting to try TLO within the next few grows, so a good soil is a must. Bong hits...I mix my FFOF with LW also; 2bags of OF to 1 bag of LW...works great I also put about 2 cups of dolomite lime and a medium sized bag of perlite...good to go
legalize_freedom said:
Hey Nouvel I thought about checking out som of the local greenhouses this spring when they open up just to see what they carry...I too believe in supporting the local business...I hate wal-mart, home-depot...and the lot of them. I'm really wanting to try TLO within the next few grows, so a good soil is a must. Bong hits...I mix my FFOF with LW also; 2bags of OF to 1 bag of LW...works great I also put about 2 cups of dolomite lime and a medium sized bag of perlite...good to go

Its a great combo! And if you live near a major city there usually a hydroponics shop that carries it :) Its by far the best soil ive used
FF is good stuff its just $15 to fill one 5 gallon bucket!! I have used FF many times, its good but it doesnt do anything other soil cant do.. It feeds for the first few weeks, but I can spare a couple of tea spoons of nutrients on different soil..

You can use many types of soil, the most important thing is to get the PH correct. Soil is just a medium, all its doing is holding your plants up and keeping your roots moist. In fact a medium (including soil) isnt even needed, hydro has shown us this, all you need is water, nutrients and oxygen to the root zone..
I agree with you mostly Mindzeye...but I have (6) 21 qt containers filled with my OF/LW mix from 2bags of OF, and 1 bag of LW and still have some left over. so 1 bag= 5gl is and exageration...Not saying your way isn't a good way either, like you said the recipe you offered is basically like other commercial mixes. If I'm going to mix my own though I'm going to put alot more into it than what your recipe calls for. Just because if I make a mix, I want my plant to be able to stay in it for awhile, with no to minimal nutes. Soil is "just a medium" if you want to use ferts all the time. With the recipe you offered I may as well switch to hydro...see where I'm going with this? If I'm going to mix my own, I'm going to make a super soil, or a living soil...If I wanted just a medium I'd use coco coir or hydrotron, and be done with it. Thats all I was trying to say, is that I can't make a quality organic soil, for the price of what I can buy FF for, unless I go huge...if I needed a truck load of soil I would probably look into makeing my own. I actually hope to be makeing my own soon, when I try doing TLO...

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