What is this plant doing?

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Dec 22, 2008
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Usually 2 new leaves grow from the middle of the last 2, but now the next set of new leaves are growing to the side and off of the main stem. It looks like there may be new leaves growing right in the middle as well. What made this happen? Is it growing 2 main colas now? I don't understand how this happened on its own...

looks like a stretched out blur to me.. looks like yer growin more than one plant per container too.. we have an excellent 'resources' department btw;)
Hello GravyTrain :)

It looks like you have alternating nodes started.

Its a natural growth pattern where the plant is turning sexually mature.

Nothing to worry about.

And what Turkeyneck said, too ... 1 plant per pot.
Those nodes are gettin ready 2 flower,IMHO they alternate so its not as much gravitational pull from 2 sides parallel to the stem.This would cause the branches to rip off,IMO.
Natures way of puberty

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